note description: "[ st_stuff.c Status bar code. Does the face/direction indicator animation. Does palette indicators as well (red pain/berserk, bright pickup) ]" license: "[ Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard Copyright (C) 2021 Ilgiz Mustafin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ]" class ST_STUFF inherit POWERTYPE_T CHEAT_T WEAPONTYPE_T create make feature i_main: I_MAIN make (a_i_main: like i_main) local i: INTEGER_32 do i_main := a_i_main create arms.make_filled (create {ARRAY [detachable PATCH_T]}.make_empty, 0, 5) from i := 0 until i > 5 loop arms [i] := create {ARRAY [detachable PATCH_T]}.make_filled (Void, 0, 1) i := i + 1 end create shortnum.make_filled (Void, 0, 9) create tallnum.make_filled (Void, 0, 9) create faces.make_filled (Void, 0, St_numfaces - 1) create keys.make_filled (Void, 0, {CARD_T}.numcards - 1) create oldweaponsowned.make_filled (False, 0, Numweapons - 1) create keyboxes.make_filled (0, 0, 2) create w_maxammo.make_filled (Void, 0, 3) create w_ammo.make_filled (Void, 0, 3) create w_keyboxes.make_filled (Void, 0, 2) create w_arms.make_filled (Void, 0, 5) lastattackdown := -1 oldhealth := -1 ensure arms.lower = 0 and arms.count = 6 and across arms as a all a.item.lower = 0 and a.item.count = 2 end faces.lower = 0 and faces.count = St_numfaces keys.lower = 0 and keys.count = {CARD_T}.numcards shortnum.lower = 0 and shortnum.count = 10 tallnum.lower = 0 and tallnum.count = 10 oldweaponsowned.lower = 0 and oldweaponsowned.count = Numweapons keyboxes.lower = 0 and keyboxes.count = 3 w_maxammo.lower = 0 and w_maxammo.count = 4 w_ammo.lower = 0 and w_ammo.count = 4 w_keyboxes.lower = 0 and w_keyboxes.count = 3 w_arms.lower = 0 and w_arms.count = 6 lastattackdown = -1 oldhealth = -1 end feature St_height: INTEGER_32 = 32 St_width: INTEGER_32 once Result := {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth end St_numpainfaces: INTEGER_32 = 5 St_numstraightfaces: INTEGER_32 = 3 St_numextrafaces: INTEGER_32 = 2 St_numturnfaces: INTEGER_32 = 2 St_numspecialfaces: INTEGER_32 = 3 St_facestride: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_numstraightfaces + St_numturnfaces + St_numspecialfaces end St_numfaces: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_facestride * St_numpainfaces + St_numextrafaces end Startredpals: INTEGER_32 = 1 Startbonuspals: INTEGER_32 = 9 Numredpals: INTEGER_32 = 8 Numbonuspals: INTEGER_32 = 4 Radiationpal: INTEGER_32 = 13 st_palette: INTEGER_32 St_x: INTEGER_32 = 0 St_x2: INTEGER_32 = 104 St_fx: INTEGER_32 = 143 St_fy: INTEGER_32 = 169 St_armsbgx: INTEGER_32 = 104 St_y: INTEGER_32 once Result := {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight - St_height ensure instance_free: class end St_ammox: INTEGER_32 = 44 St_ammoy: INTEGER_32 = 171 St_ammowidth: INTEGER_32 = 3 St_healthx: INTEGER_32 = 90 St_healthy: INTEGER_32 = 171 St_armsbgy: INTEGER_32 = 168 St_armsx: INTEGER_32 = 111 St_armsy: INTEGER_32 = 172 St_armsxspace: INTEGER_32 = 12 St_armsyspace: INTEGER_32 = 10 St_fragsx: INTEGER_32 = 138 St_fragsy: INTEGER_32 = 171 St_fragswidth: INTEGER_32 = 2 St_facesx: INTEGER_32 = 143 St_facesy: INTEGER_32 = 168 St_armorx: INTEGER_32 = 221 St_armory: INTEGER_32 = 171 St_key0x: INTEGER_32 = 239 St_key0y: INTEGER_32 = 171 St_key1x: INTEGER_32 = 239 St_key1y: INTEGER_32 = 181 St_key2x: INTEGER_32 = 239 St_key2y: INTEGER_32 = 191 St_ammo0x: INTEGER_32 = 288 St_ammo0y: INTEGER_32 = 173 St_ammo0width: INTEGER_32 = 3 St_ammo1width: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_ammo0width end St_ammo2width: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_ammo0width end St_ammo3width: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_ammo0width end St_ammo1x: INTEGER_32 = 288 St_ammo1y: INTEGER_32 = 179 St_ammo2x: INTEGER_32 = 288 St_ammo2y: INTEGER_32 = 191 St_ammo3x: INTEGER_32 = 288 St_ammo3y: INTEGER_32 = 185 St_maxammo0x: INTEGER_32 = 314 St_maxammo0y: INTEGER_32 = 173 St_maxammo0width: INTEGER_32 = 3 St_maxammo1x: INTEGER_32 = 314 St_maxammo1y: INTEGER_32 = 179 St_maxammo1width: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_maxammo0width end St_maxammo2x: INTEGER_32 = 314 St_maxammo2y: INTEGER_32 = 191 St_maxammo2width: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_maxammo0width end St_maxammo3x: INTEGER_32 = 314 St_maxammo3y: INTEGER_32 = 185 St_maxammo3width: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_maxammo0width end feature St_deadface: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_godface + 1 end St_godface: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_numpainfaces * St_facestride end St_rampageoffset: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_evilgrinoffset + 1 end St_evilgrinoffset: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_ouchoffset + 1 end St_ouchoffset: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_turnoffset + St_numturnfaces end St_evilgrincount: INTEGER_32 once Result := 2 * {DOOMDEF_H}.ticrate end St_straightfacecount: INTEGER_32 once Result := {DOOMDEF_H}.ticrate // 2 end St_turncount: INTEGER_32 once Result := {DOOMDEF_H}.ticrate end St_ouchcount: INTEGER_32 once Result := {DOOMDEF_H}.ticrate end St_rampagedelay: INTEGER_32 once Result := 2 * {DOOMDEF_H}.ticrate end St_turnoffset: INTEGER_32 once Result := St_numstraightfaces end St_muchpain: INTEGER_32 = 20 feature st_backing_screen: detachable PIXEL_T_BUFFER -- graphics are drawn to a backing screen and blitted to the real screen lu_palette: INTEGER_32 -- lump number for PLAYPAL sbar: detachable PATCH_T -- main bar left sbarr: detachable PATCH_T -- main bar right, for doom 1.0 tallnum: ARRAY [detachable PATCH_T] -- 0-9, tall numbers [10] tallpercent: detachable PATCH_T shortnum: ARRAY [detachable PATCH_T] -- 0-9, short, yellow (,different!) numbers [10] keys: ARRAY [detachable PATCH_T] -- 3 key-cards, 3 skulls [NUMCARDS] faces: ARRAY [detachable PATCH_T] -- face status patches [ST_NUMFACES] faceback: detachable PATCH_T -- face background armsbg: detachable PATCH_T -- main bar right arms: ARRAY [ARRAY [detachable PATCH_T]] -- weapon ownership patches [6][2] feature st_clock: NATURAL_32 -- used for timing st_chatstate: INTEGER_32 -- st_chatstateenum_t used when in chat st_gamestate: INTEGER_32 -- st_stateenum_t whether in automap or first-person st_oldchat: BOOLEAN -- value of st_chat before message popped up st_chat: BOOLEAN -- whether status bar chat is active st_cursoron: BOOLEAN -- whether chat window has the cursor on st_faceindex: INTEGER_32 -- current face index, used by w_faces st_oldhealth: INTEGER_32 -- used to use appropriately pained face oldweaponsowned: ARRAY [BOOLEAN] -- used for evil grin [NUMWEAPONS] keyboxes: ARRAY [INTEGER_32] -- holds key-type for each key box on bar st_randomnumber: INTEGER_32 -- a random number per tick st_msgcounter: INTEGER_32 -- used for making messages go away feature -- st_chatstateenum_t Startchatstate: INTEGER_32 = 0 Waitdeststate: INTEGER_32 = 1 Getchatstate: INTEGER_32 = 2 feature -- st_stateenum_t Automapstate: INTEGER_32 = 0 Firstpersonstate: INTEGER_32 = 1 feature st_statusbaron: BOOLEAN -- whether left-side main status bar is active st_firsttime: BOOLEAN -- ST_Start() has just been called plyr: detachable PLAYER_T st_facecount: INTEGER_32 -- count until face changes feature w_ready: detachable ST_NUMBER -- ready-weapon widget w_frags: detachable ST_NUMBER -- in deathmatch only, summary of frags stats w_health: detachable ST_PERCENT -- health widget w_armsbg: detachable ST_BIN_ICON -- arms background w_arms: ARRAY [detachable ST_MULT_ICON] -- weapon ownership widgets [6] w_faces: detachable ST_MULT_ICON -- face status widget w_keyboxes: ARRAY [detachable ST_MULT_ICON] -- keycard widgets [3] w_armor: detachable ST_PERCENT -- armor widget w_ammo: ARRAY [detachable ST_NUMBER] -- ammo widgets [4] w_maxammo: ARRAY [detachable ST_NUMBER] -- max ammo widgets feature st_loadgraphics local i: INTEGER_32 j: INTEGER_32 facenum: INTEGER_32 namebuf: STRING_8 do from i := 0 until i >= 10 loop tallnum [i] := load_patch ("STTNUM" + i.out) shortnum [i] := load_patch ("STYSNUM" + i.out) i := i + 1 end tallpercent := load_patch ("STTPRCNT") from i := 0 until i >= {CARD_T}.numcards loop keys [i] := load_patch ("STKEYS" + i.out) i := i + 1 end armsbg := load_patch ("STARMS") from i := 0 until i >= 6 loop arms [i] [0] := load_patch ("STGNUM" + (i + 2).out) arms [i] [1] := shortnum [i + 2] i := i + 1 end faceback := load_patch ("STFB" + i_main.G_game.consoleplayer.out) if i_main.W_wad.w_checknumforname ("STBAR") > 0 then sbar := load_patch ("STBAR") sbarr := Void else sbar := load_patch ("STMBARL") sbarr := load_patch ("STMBARR") end facenum := 0 from i := 0 until i >= St_numpainfaces loop from j := 0 until j >= St_numstraightfaces loop faces [facenum] := load_patch ("STFST" + i.out + j.out) facenum := facenum + 1 j := j + 1 end faces [facenum] := load_patch ("STFTR" + i.out + "0") facenum := facenum + 1 faces [facenum] := load_patch ("STFTL" + i.out + "0") facenum := facenum + 1 faces [facenum] := load_patch ("STFOUCH" + i.out) facenum := facenum + 1 faces [facenum] := load_patch ("STFEVL" + i.out) facenum := facenum + 1 faces [facenum] := load_patch ("STFKILL" + i.out) facenum := facenum + 1 i := i + 1 end faces [facenum] := load_patch ("STFGOD0") facenum := facenum + 1 faces [facenum] := load_patch ("STFDEAD0") facenum := facenum + 1 end load_patch (name: STRING_8): PATCH_T do Result := create {PATCH_T}.from_pointer (i_main.W_wad.w_cachelumpname (name)) end st_loaddata do lu_palette := i_main.W_wad.w_getnumforname ("PLAYPAL") st_loadgraphics end st_init do st_loaddata create st_backing_screen.make (St_width * St_height) end feature st_drawer (fullscreen: BOOLEAN; refresh: BOOLEAN) do st_statusbaron := (not fullscreen) or i_main.Am_map.automapactive st_firsttime := st_firsttime or refresh st_dopalettestuff if st_firsttime then st_dorefresh else st_diffdraw end end st_dopalettestuff local palette: INTEGER_32 pal: MANAGED_POINTER cnt: INTEGER_32 bzc: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as p then cnt := p.damagecount if p.powers [Pw_strength] /= 0 then bzc := 12 - (p.powers [Pw_strength] |>> 6) if bzc > cnt then cnt := bzc end end if cnt /= 0 then palette := (cnt + 7) |>> 3 if palette >= Numredpals then palette := Numredpals - 1 end palette := palette + Startredpals elseif p.bonuscount /= 0 then palette := (p.bonuscount + 7) |>> 3 if palette >= Numbonuspals then palette := Numbonuspals - 1 end palette := palette + Startbonuspals elseif p.powers [Pw_ironfeet] > 4 * 32 or p.powers [Pw_ironfeet] & 8 /= 0 then palette := Radiationpal else palette := 0 end end if palette /= st_palette then st_palette := palette pal := i_main.W_wad.w_cachelumpnum (lu_palette) create pal.share_from_pointer (pal.item + palette * 768, pal.count - palette * 768) i_main.I_video.i_setpalette (pal) end end st_dorefresh do st_firsttime := False st_refreshbackground st_drawwidgets (True) end st_diffdraw do st_drawwidgets (False) end st_drawwidgets (refresh: BOOLEAN) local i: INTEGER_32 do st_armson := st_statusbaron and not i_main.G_game.deathmatch st_fragson := i_main.G_game.deathmatch and st_statusbaron check attached w_ready as wr then wr.update (refresh) end from i := 0 until i >= 4 loop check attached w_ammo [i] as wai then wai.update (refresh) end check attached w_maxammo [i] as wmai then wmai.update (refresh) end i := i + 1 end check attached w_health as wh then wh.update (refresh) end check attached w_armor as wa then wa.update (refresh) end check attached w_armsbg as wabg then wabg.update (refresh) end from i := 0 until i >= 6 loop check attached w_arms [i] as wi then wi.update (refresh) end i := i + 1 end check attached w_faces as wf then wf.update (refresh) end from i := 0 until i >= 3 loop check attached w_keyboxes [i] as wki then wki.update (refresh) end i := i + 1 end check attached w_frags as wf then wf.update (refresh) end end st_refreshbackground do if st_statusbaron then check attached st_backing_screen as sb then i_main.V_video.v_usebuffer (sb) end check attached sbar as at_sbar then i_main.V_video.v_drawpatch (St_x, 0, at_sbar) end if attached sbarr as at_sbarr then i_main.V_video.v_drawpatch (St_armsbgx, 0, at_sbarr) end if i_main.G_game.netgame then check attached faceback as at_faceback then i_main.V_video.v_drawpatch (St_fx, 0, at_faceback) end end i_main.V_video.v_restorebuffer check attached st_backing_screen as sb then i_main.V_video.v_copyrect (St_x, 0, sb, St_width, St_height, St_x, St_y) end end end feature st_responder (ev: EVENT_T): BOOLEAN do {NOT_IMPLEMENTED}.not_implemented ("ST_Responder", False) end feature st_stopped: BOOLEAN st_notdeathmatch: BOOLEAN st_armson: BOOLEAN st_fragscount: INTEGER_32 st_fragson: BOOLEAN st_start do if not st_stopped then st_stop end st_initdata st_createwidgets st_stopped := False end st_createwidgets local i: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as p then create w_ready.make (St_ammox, St_ammoy, tallnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.ammo [{D_ITEMS}.weaponinfo [agent_p.readyweapon].ammo] end end), agent st_statusbaron, St_ammowidth, i_main) check attached w_ready as wr then := p.readyweapon end check attached tallpercent as tp then create w_health.make (St_healthx, St_healthy, tallnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := end end), agent st_statusbaron, tp, i_main) end check attached armsbg as abg then create w_armsbg.make (St_armsbgx, St_armsbgy, abg, agent st_notdeathmatch, agent st_statusbaron, i_main) end from i := 0 until i >= 6 loop w_arms [i] := create {ST_MULT_ICON}.make (St_armsx + (i \\ 3) * St_armsxspace, St_armsy + (i // 3) * St_armsyspace, arms [i], (agent (wep: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.weaponowned [wep + 1].to_integer end end (i)), agent st_armson, i_main) i := i + 1 end create w_frags.make (St_fragsx, St_fragsy, tallnum, agent st_fragscount, agent st_fragson, St_fragswidth, i_main) create w_faces.make (St_facesx, St_facesy, faces, agent st_faceindex, agent st_statusbaron, i_main) check attached tallpercent as tp then create w_armor.make (St_armorx, St_armory, tallnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.armorpoints end end), agent st_statusbaron, tp, i_main) end w_keyboxes [0] := create {ST_MULT_ICON}.make (St_key0x, St_key0y, keys, (agent: INTEGER_32 do Result := keyboxes [0] end), agent st_statusbaron, i_main) w_keyboxes [1] := create {ST_MULT_ICON}.make (St_key1x, St_key1y, keys, (agent: INTEGER_32 do Result := keyboxes [1] end), agent st_statusbaron, i_main) w_keyboxes [2] := create {ST_MULT_ICON}.make (St_key2x, St_key2y, keys, (agent: INTEGER_32 do Result := keyboxes [2] end), agent st_statusbaron, i_main) w_ammo [0] := create {ST_NUMBER}.make (St_ammo0x, St_ammo0y, shortnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.ammo [0] end end), agent st_statusbaron, St_ammo0width, i_main) w_ammo [1] := create {ST_NUMBER}.make (St_ammo1x, St_ammo1y, shortnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.ammo [1] end end), agent st_statusbaron, St_ammo1width, i_main) w_ammo [2] := create {ST_NUMBER}.make (St_ammo2x, St_ammo2y, shortnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.ammo [2] end end), agent st_statusbaron, St_ammo2width, i_main) w_ammo [3] := create {ST_NUMBER}.make (St_ammo3x, St_ammo3y, shortnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.ammo [3] end end), agent st_statusbaron, St_ammo3width, i_main) w_maxammo [0] := create {ST_NUMBER}.make (St_maxammo0x, St_maxammo0y, shortnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.maxammo [0] end end), agent st_statusbaron, St_maxammo0width, i_main) w_maxammo [1] := create {ST_NUMBER}.make (St_maxammo1x, St_maxammo1y, shortnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.maxammo [1] end end), agent st_statusbaron, St_maxammo1width, i_main) w_maxammo [2] := create {ST_NUMBER}.make (St_maxammo2x, St_maxammo2y, shortnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.maxammo [2] end end), agent st_statusbaron, St_maxammo2width, i_main) w_maxammo [3] := create {ST_NUMBER}.make (St_maxammo3x, St_maxammo3y, shortnum, (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.maxammo [3] end end), agent st_statusbaron, St_maxammo3width, i_main) end end st_stop do if st_stopped then else i_main.I_video.i_setpalette (i_main.W_wad.w_cachelumpnum (lu_palette)) st_stopped := True end end st_initdata local i: INTEGER_32 do st_firsttime := True plyr := i_main.G_game.Players [i_main.G_game.consoleplayer] st_clock := 0 st_chatstate := Startchatstate st_gamestate := Firstpersonstate st_statusbaron := True st_oldchat := False st_chat := False st_cursoron := False st_faceindex := 0 st_palette := -1 st_oldhealth := -1 from i := 0 until i >= Numweapons loop check attached plyr as p then oldweaponsowned [i] := p.weaponowned [i] end i := i + 1 end from i := 0 until i >= 3 loop keyboxes [i] := -1 i := i + 1 end i_main.St_lib.stlib_init end feature st_ticker do st_clock := st_clock + 1 st_randomnumber := i_main.M_random.m_random st_updatewidgets check attached plyr as p then st_oldhealth := end end feature Largeammo: INTEGER_32 = 1994 lastattackdown: INTEGER_32 priority: INTEGER_32 st_updatefacewidget -- This is a not-very-pretty routine which handles -- the face states and their timing. -- the precedence of expressions is this: -- dead > evil grin > turned head > straight head local i: INTEGER_32 badguyangle: ANGLE_T diffang: ANGLE_T doevilgrin: BOOLEAN do check attached plyr as p then if priority < 10 then if = 0 then priority := 9 st_faceindex := St_deadface st_facecount := 1 end end if priority < 9 then if p.bonuscount /= 0 then doevilgrin := False from i := 0 until i >= {WEAPONTYPE_T}.numweapons loop if oldweaponsowned [i] /= p.weaponowned [i] then doevilgrin := True oldweaponsowned [i] := p.weaponowned [i] end i := i + 1 end if doevilgrin then priority := 8 st_facecount := St_evilgrincount st_faceindex := st_calcpainoffset + St_evilgrinoffset end end end if priority < 8 then if p.damagecount /= 0 and then attached p.attacker as attacker and then attacker /= then priority := 7 if - st_oldhealth > St_muchpain then st_facecount := St_turncount st_faceindex := st_calcpainoffset + St_ouchoffset else check attached as mo then badguyangle := i_main.R_main.r_pointtoangle2 (mo.x, mo.y, attacker.x, attacker.y) if badguyangle > mo.angle then diffang := badguyangle - mo.angle i := (diffang > {R_MAIN}.ang180).to_integer else diffang := mo.angle - badguyangle i := (diffang <= {R_MAIN}.ang180).to_integer end st_facecount := St_turncount st_faceindex := st_calcpainoffset if diffang < {R_MAIN}.ang45 then st_faceindex := st_faceindex + St_rampageoffset elseif i /= 0 then st_faceindex := st_faceindex + St_turnoffset else st_faceindex := st_faceindex + St_turnoffset + 1 end end end end end if priority < 7 then if p.damagecount /= 0 then if - st_oldhealth > St_muchpain then priority := 7 st_facecount := St_turncount st_faceindex := st_calcpainoffset + St_ouchoffset else priority := 6 st_facecount := St_turncount st_faceindex := st_calcpainoffset + St_rampageoffset end end end if priority < 6 then if p.attackdown then if lastattackdown = -1 then lastattackdown := St_rampagedelay else lastattackdown := lastattackdown - 1 if lastattackdown = 0 then priority := 5 st_faceindex := st_calcpainoffset + St_rampageoffset st_facecount := 1 lastattackdown := 1 end end else lastattackdown := -1 end end if priority < 5 then if p.cheats & Cf_godmode /= 0 or p.powers [Pw_invulnerability] /= 0 then priority := 4 st_faceindex := St_godface st_facecount := 1 end end if st_facecount = 0 then st_faceindex := st_calcpainoffset + (st_randomnumber \\ 3) st_facecount := St_straightfacecount priority := 0 end st_facecount := st_facecount - 1 end end feature lastcalc: INTEGER_32 oldhealth: INTEGER_32 st_calcpainoffset: INTEGER_32 local health: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as p then health := if > 100 then 100 else end if health /= oldhealth then lastcalc := St_facestride * (((100 - health) * St_numpainfaces) // 101) oldhealth := health end end Result := lastcalc end feature st_updatewidgets local i: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as p then if {D_ITEMS}.weaponinfo [p.readyweapon].ammo = {AMMOTYPE_T}.am_noammo then check attached w_ready as wr then wr.num := agent Largeammo end else check attached w_ready as wr then wr.num := (agent: INTEGER_32 do check attached plyr as agent_p then Result := agent_p.ammo [{D_ITEMS}.weaponinfo [agent_p.readyweapon].ammo] end end) end end check attached w_ready as wr then := p.readyweapon end from i := 0 until i >= 3 loop keyboxes [i] := if [i] then i else -1 end if [i + 3] then keyboxes [i] := i + 3 end i := i + 1 end st_updatefacewidget st_notdeathmatch := not i_main.G_game.deathmatch st_armson := st_statusbaron and not i_main.G_game.deathmatch st_fragson := i_main.G_game.deathmatch and st_statusbaron st_fragscount := 0 from i := 0 until i >= {DOOMDEF_H}.maxplayers loop if i /= i_main.G_game.consoleplayer then st_fragscount := st_fragscount + p.frags [i] else st_fragscount := st_fragscount - p.frags [i] end i := i + 1 end st_msgcounter := st_msgcounter - 1 if st_msgcounter = 0 then st_chat := st_oldchat end end end end -- class ST_STUFF
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