note description: "[ i_video.c DOOM graphics stuff for SDL library ]" license: "[ Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard Copyright (C) 2021 Ilgiz Mustafin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ]" class I_VIDEO create make feature i_main: I_MAIN make (a_i_main: like i_main) do i_main := a_i_main firsttime := True multiply := 1 aspect_ratio_correct := True window_width := 800 window_height := 600 fullscreen := False create i_videobuffer.make (1) window_focused := True grabmouse := 1 nomouse := i_main.m_argv.m_checkparm ("-nomouse").to_boolean end feature Screenheight_4_3: INTEGER_32 = 240 feature multiply: INTEGER_32 screen: detachable SDL_WINDOW_STRUCT_API renderer: detachable SDL_RENDERER_STRUCT_API texture: detachable SDL_TEXTURE_STRUCT_API texture_upscaled: detachable SDL_TEXTURE_STRUCT_API screenbuffer: detachable SDL_SURFACE_STRUCT_API argbbuffer: detachable SDL_SURFACE_STRUCT_API pixel_format: NATURAL_32 feature fullscreen: BOOLEAN screensaver_mode: BOOLEAN Fullscreen_width: INTEGER_32 = 0 Fullscreen_height: INTEGER_32 = 0 feature Startup_delay: INTEGER_32 = 1000 -- Time to wait for the screen to settle on startup before starting the -- game (ms) feature -- Aspect ratio correction mode aspect_ratio_correct: BOOLEAN integer_scaling: BOOLEAN -- Force integer scales for resolution-independent rendering actualheight: INTEGER_32 Max_scaling_buffer_pixels: INTEGER_32 = 16000000 feature initialized: BOOLEAN Screenvisible: BOOLEAN = True feature Usemouse: BOOLEAN = True nomouse: BOOLEAN feature window_focused: BOOLEAN feature i_videobuffer: PIXEL_T_BUFFER -- The screen buffer; this is modified to draw things to the screen feature Blit_rect: SDL_RECT_STRUCT_API once create Result.make Result.set_x (0) Result.set_y (0) Result.set_w ({DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth) Result.set_h ({DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight) end feature Palette: ARRAY [SDL_COLOR_STRUCT_API] local i: INTEGER_32 once create Result.make_filled (create {SDL_COLOR_STRUCT_API}.make, 0, 255) from i := Result.lower until i > Result.upper loop Result [i] := create {SDL_COLOR_STRUCT_API}.make i := i + 1 end end palette_to_set: BOOLEAN feature -- Screen width and height, from configuration file. window_width: INTEGER_32 window_height: INTEGER_32 feature -- I_InitGraphics firsttime: BOOLEAN i_initgraphics -- from local dummy: SDL_EVENT_UNION_API do {NOT_IMPLEMENTED}.not_implemented ("I_InitGraphics", False) if {SDL_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_init ({SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_init_video.to_natural_32) < 0 then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("Failed to initialize video: " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end if aspect_ratio_correct then actualheight := Screenheight_4_3 else actualheight := {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight end adjust_window_size set_video_mode check attached screenbuffer as sb then if {SDL_SURFACE}.sdl_fill_rect (sb, Void, 0) < 0 then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("SDL_FillRect failed " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end end i_setpalette (i_main.W_wad.w_cachelumpname ("PLAYPAL")) set_sdl_palette updategrab if fullscreen and not screensaver_mode then {SDL_TIMER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_delay (Startup_delay.to_natural_32) end check attached screenbuffer as sb then create i_videobuffer.share_from_pointer (sb.pixels, {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight) end i_main.V_video.v_restorebuffer i_videobuffer.fill_zero from create dummy.make until {SDL_EVENTS}.sdl_poll_event (dummy) = 0 loop end initialized := True end adjust_window_size -- Adjust window_width / window_height variables to be an an aspect -- ratio consistent with the aspect_ratio_correct variable. do if aspect_ratio_correct or integer_scaling then if window_width * actualheight <= window_height * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth then window_height := (window_width * actualheight + {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth - 1) // {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth else window_width := window_height * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth // actualheight end end end feature i_startframe do end i_starttic do {NOT_IMPLEMENTED}.not_implemented ("I_StartTic", False) if initialized then i_getevent if Usemouse and not nomouse and window_focused then i_main.I_input.i_readmouse end end end i_getevent local event: EVENT_T sdl_event: SDL_EVENT_UNION_API do from {SDL_EVENTS_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_pump_events create sdl_event.make until {SDL_EVENTS_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_poll_event (sdl_event) = 0 loop if sdl_event.type = {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_keydown and then toggle_full_screen_key_shortcut (sdl_event.key.keysym) then i_togglefullscreen elseif sdl_event.type = {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_keydown or sdl_event.type = {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_keyup then i_main.I_input.i_handlekeyboardevent (sdl_event) elseif sdl_event.type = {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_mousebuttondown or sdl_event.type = {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_mousebuttonup or sdl_event.type = {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_mousewheel then if Usemouse and not nomouse and window_focused then i_main.I_input.i_handlemouseevent (sdl_event) end elseif sdl_event.type = {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_quit then if screensaver_mode then i_main.I_system.i_quit else create event.make event.type := {EVENT_T}.ev_quit i_main.D_main.d_postevent (event) end elseif sdl_event.type = {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_windowevent then check attached screen as s then if sdl_event.window.windowid = {SDL_VIDEO_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_get_window_id (s) then handlewindowevent (sdl_event.window) end end end end end toggle_full_screen_key_shortcut (sym: SDL_KEYSYM_STRUCT_API): BOOLEAN local flags: NATURAL_32 do flags := {SDL_KEYMOD_ENUM_API}.kmod_lalt.as_natural_32 | {SDL_KEYMOD_ENUM_API}.kmod_ralt.as_natural_32 Result := (sym.scancode = {SDL_SCANCODE_ENUM_API}.sdl_scancode_return or sym.scancode = {SDL_SCANCODE_ENUM_API}.sdl_scancode_kp_enter) and ((sym.mod & flags) /= 0) end i_togglefullscreen local flags: INTEGER_32 do if Fullscreen_width /= 0 or Fullscreen_height /= 0 then else fullscreen := not fullscreen if fullscreen then flags := flags | {SDL_WINDOW_FLAGS_ENUM_API}.sdl_window_fullscreen_desktop end check attached screen as s then {SDL_VIDEO_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_set_window_fullscreen (s, flags.as_natural_32).do_nothing if not fullscreen then adjustwindowsize {SDL_VIDEO_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_set_window_size (s, window_width, window_height) end end end end adjustwindowsize -- Adjust window_width / window_height variables to be an aspect -- ratio consistent with the aspect_ratio_correct variable. do if aspect_ratio_correct or integer_scaling then if window_width * actualheight <= window_height * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth then window_height := (window_width * actualheight + {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth - 1) // {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth else window_width := window_height * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth // actualheight end end end handlewindowevent (event: SDL_WINDOW_EVENT_STRUCT_API) do {NOT_IMPLEMENTED}.not_implemented ("HandleWindowEvent", False) if event.type = {SDL_WINDOW_EVENT_ID_ENUM_API}.sdl_windowevent_focus_gained.as_natural_32 then window_focused := True elseif event.type = {SDL_WINDOW_EVENT_ID_ENUM_API}.sdl_windowevent_focus_lost.as_natural_32 then window_focused := False end end feature i_readscreen (scr: PIXEL_T_BUFFER) do scr.copy_from (i_videobuffer) end feature i_updatenoblit do end feature set_video_mode -- from local bpp: INTEGER_32 rmask: NATURAL_32 gmask: NATURAL_32 bmask: NATURAL_32 amask: NATURAL_32 p: POINTER w, h: INTEGER_32 window_flags, renderer_flags: INTEGER_32 do {NOT_IMPLEMENTED}.not_implemented ("set_video_mode", False) w := window_width h := window_height window_flags := {SDL_WINDOW_FLAGS_ENUM_API}.sdl_window_resizable window_flags := window_flags | {SDL_WINDOW_FLAGS_ENUM_API}.sdl_window_allow_highdpi if fullscreen then if Fullscreen_width = 0 and Fullscreen_height = 0 then window_flags := window_flags | {SDL_WINDOW_FLAGS_ENUM_API}.sdl_window_fullscreen_desktop else w := Fullscreen_width h := Fullscreen_height window_flags := window_flags | {SDL_WINDOW_FLAGS_ENUM_API}.sdl_window_fullscreen end end if screen = Void then screen := {SDL_VIDEO}.sdl_create_window ("SDL EIFFEL DOOM", {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_windowpos_undefined, {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_windowpos_undefined, w, h, window_flags.to_natural_32) if screen = Void then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("Error creating window for video startup" + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end check attached screen as s then pixel_format := {SDL_VIDEO}.sdl_get_window_pixel_format (s) end end renderer_flags := {SDL_RENDERER_FLAGS_ENUM_API}.sdl_renderer_targettexture if attached renderer as r then {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_destroy_renderer (r) texture := Void texture_upscaled := Void end check attached screen as s then renderer := {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_create_renderer (s, -1, renderer_flags.to_natural_32) end if renderer = Void then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("Error creating renderer for screen window " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end check attached renderer as r then if aspect_ratio_correct or integer_scaling then if {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_render_set_logical_size (r, {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth, actualheight) /= 0 then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("Error setting logical size " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end end if {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_render_set_integer_scale (r, if integer_scaling then 1 else 0 end) /= 0 then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("Error setting integer scale " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end if {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_set_render_draw_color (r, (0).to_character_8, (0).to_character_8, (0).to_character_8, (255).to_character_8) /= 0 then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("Error setting render color " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end if {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_render_clear (r) /= 0 then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("Error render clear " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_render_present (r) end if attached screenbuffer as sb then {SDL_SURFACE_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_free_surface (sb) screenbuffer := Void end if screenbuffer = Void then create screenbuffer.make_by_pointer ({SDL_SURFACE_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_create_rgbsurface (0, {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth, {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0)) check attached screenbuffer as sb then if {SDL_SURFACE}.sdl_fill_rect (sb, Void, 0) < 0 then i_main.i_error ("Error SDL_FillRect" + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end end end if attached argbbuffer as abb then {SDL_SURFACE_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_free_surface (abb) argbbuffer := Void end if argbbuffer = Void then if {SDL_PIXELS_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_pixel_format_enum_to_masks (pixel_format, $bpp, $rmask.to_pointer, $gmask.to_pointer, $bmask.to_pointer, $amask.to_pointer).to_integer_64 /= {SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_true then i_main.i_error ("pixel format to masks " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end p := {SDL_SURFACE_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_create_rgbsurface (0, {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth, {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight, bpp, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask) if p.is_default_pointer then i_main.i_error ("SDL_CreateRGBSurface failed" + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) else create argbbuffer.make_by_pointer (p) end check attached argbbuffer as abb then if {SDL_SURFACE}.sdl_fill_rect (abb, Void, 0) < 0 then i_main.i_error ("Error SDL_FillRect" + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end end end if attached texture as t then {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_destroy_texture (t) end if not {SDL_HINTS}.sdl_set_hint ({SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_hint_render_scale_quality, "nearest") then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("Error setting hint " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end check attached renderer as r then texture := {SDL_RENDER}.sdl_create_texture (r, pixel_format, {SDL_TEXTURE_ACCESS_ENUM_API}.sdl_textureaccess_streaming, {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth, {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight) end create_upscaled_texture (True) end feature -- CreateUpscaledTexture h_upscale_old: INTEGER_32 w_upscale_old: INTEGER_32 create_upscaled_texture (force: BOOLEAN) local w, h: INTEGER_32 h_upscale, w_upscale: INTEGER_32 new_texture, old_texture: SDL_TEXTURE_STRUCT_API b: BOOLEAN do check attached renderer as r then if {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_get_renderer_output_size (r, $w, $h) /= 0 then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("Failed to get renderer output size " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end end if w * actualheight < h * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth then h := w * actualheight // {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth else w := h * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth // actualheight end w_upscale := (w + {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth - 1) // {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth h_upscale := (h + {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight - 1) // {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight if w_upscale < 1 then w_upscale := 1 end if h_upscale < 1 then h_upscale := 1 end limit_texture_size ($w_upscale, $h_upscale) if (h_upscale = h_upscale_old and w_upscale = w_upscale_old and not force) then else h_upscale_old := h_upscale w_upscale_old := w_upscale b := {SDL_HINTS}.sdl_set_hint ({SDL_CONSTANT_API}.sdl_hint_render_scale_quality, "linear") check attached renderer as r then new_texture := {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_create_texture (r, pixel_format, {SDL_TEXTURE_ACCESS_ENUM_API}.sdl_textureaccess_target, w_upscale * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth, h_upscale * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight) old_texture := texture_upscaled texture_upscaled := new_texture if attached old_texture as ot then {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_destroy_texture (ot) end end end end limit_texture_size (w_upscale, h_upscale: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER_32]) local rinfo: SDL_RENDERER_INFO_STRUCT_API orig_w, orig_h: INTEGER_32 mp_w, mp_h: MANAGED_POINTER do create rinfo.make create mp_w.share_from_pointer (w_upscale.to_pointer, {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes) orig_w := mp_w.read_integer_32 (0) create mp_h.share_from_pointer (h_upscale.to_pointer, {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes) orig_h := mp_h.read_integer_32 (0) check attached renderer as r then if {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_get_renderer_info (r, rinfo) /= 0 then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("CreateUpscaledTexture: SDL_GetRendererInfo() call failed " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end end from until mp_w.read_integer_32 (0) * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth <= rinfo.max_texture_width loop mp_w.put_integer_32 (mp_w.read_integer_32 (0) - 1, 0) end from until mp_h.read_integer_32 (0) * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight <= rinfo.max_texture_height loop mp_h.put_integer_32 (mp_h.read_integer_32 (0) - 1, 0) end if (mp_w.read_integer_32 (0) < 1 and rinfo.max_texture_width > 0) or (mp_h.read_integer_32 (0) < 1 and rinfo.max_texture_height > 0) then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("[ CreateUpscaledTexture: Can't create a texture big enough for the whole screen! Maximum texture size ]" + rinfo.max_texture_width.out + "x" + rinfo.max_texture_height.out) end if (Max_scaling_buffer_pixels < {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight) then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("[ CreateUpscaledTexture: max_scaling_buffer_pixels too small to create a texture buffer: ]" + Max_scaling_buffer_pixels.out + " < " + ({DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight).out) end from until (mp_w.read_integer_32 (0) * mp_h.read_integer_32 (0) * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight) <= Max_scaling_buffer_pixels loop if mp_w.read_integer_32 (0) > mp_h.read_integer_32 (0) then mp_w.put_integer_32 (mp_w.read_integer_32 (0) - 1, 0) else mp_h.put_integer_32 (mp_h.read_integer_32 (0) - 1, 0) end end if mp_w.read_integer_32 (0) /= orig_w or mp_h.read_integer_32 (0) /= orig_h then print ("CreateUpscaledTexture: Limited texture size to " + (mp_w.read_integer_32 (0) * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenwidth).out + "x" + (mp_h.read_integer_32 (0) * {DOOMDEF_H}.screenheight).out) end end feature -- I_FinishUpdate lasttic: INTEGER_32 i_finishupdate do {NOT_IMPLEMENTED}.not_implemented ("I_FinishUpdate", False) updategrab check attached screenbuffer as sb then if palette_to_set then check attached sb.format as f and then attached f.palette as p then set_sdl_palette palette_to_set := False end end end check attached screenbuffer as sb and then attached argbbuffer as abb and then attached texture as t then check attached renderer as r and then attached texture_upscaled as tu then if {SDL_SURFACE_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_lower_blit (sb, Blit_rect, abb, Blit_rect) < 0 then i_main.i_error ("From 8bit blit error " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end if {SDL_RENDER}.sdl_update_texture (t, Void, abb.pixels, abb.pitch) < 0 then i_main.i_error ("Upd intermediate with RGBA buffer " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end if {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_render_clear (r) < 0 then i_main.i_error ("render clear " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end if {SDL_RENDER}.sdl_set_render_target (r, tu) < 0 then i_main.i_error ("render target " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end if {SDL_RENDER}.sdl_render_copy (r, t, Void, Void) < 0 then i_main.i_error ("render copy " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end if {SDL_RENDER}.sdl_set_render_target (r, Void) < 0 then i_main.i_error ("render target " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end if {SDL_RENDER}.sdl_render_copy (r, tu, Void, Void) < 0 then i_main.i_error ("render copy " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end {SDL_RENDER_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_render_present (r) end end end feature -- Mouse grab currently_grabbed: BOOLEAN nograbmouse_override: BOOLEAN grabmouse: INTEGER_32 grabmouse_callback: detachable PREDICATE assign set_grabmouse_callback set_grabmouse_callback (a_grabmouse_callback: like grabmouse_callback) do grabmouse_callback := a_grabmouse_callback end mouseshouldbegrabbed: BOOLEAN do if screensaver_mode then Result := False elseif not window_focused then Result := False elseif fullscreen then Result := True elseif not Usemouse or nomouse then Result := False elseif nograbmouse_override or not grabmouse.to_boolean then Result := False elseif attached grabmouse_callback as cb then Result := cb.item else Result := True end end updategrab local grab: BOOLEAN screen_w, screen_h: INTEGER_32 do grab := mouseshouldbegrabbed if screensaver_mode then setshowcursor (False) elseif grab and not currently_grabbed then setshowcursor (False) elseif not grab and currently_grabbed then setshowcursor (True) check attached screen as s then {SDL_VIDEO_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_get_window_size (s, $screen_w, $screen_h) {SDL_MOUSE_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_warp_mouse_in_window (s, screen_w - 16, screen_h - 16) end {SDL_MOUSE_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_get_relative_mouse_state (create {TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER_32]}, create {TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER_32]}).do_nothing end currently_grabbed := grab end setshowcursor (show: BOOLEAN) do if not screensaver_mode then {SDL_MOUSE_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_set_relative_mouse_mode ((not show).to_integer).do_nothing {SDL_MOUSE_FUNCTIONS_API}.sdl_get_relative_mouse_state (create {TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER_32]}, create {TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER_32]}).do_nothing end end feature i_setpalette (doompalette: MANAGED_POINTER) -- originally took void* palette -- from local i: INTEGER_32 d: INTEGER_32 not_3: NATURAL_8 do not_3 := (3).to_natural_8.bit_not from i := 0 d := 0 until i >= 256 loop Palette [i].set_r ((i_main.V_video.Gammatable [i_main.V_video.usegamma] [doompalette.read_natural_8_le (d).to_integer_32 + 1] & not_3).to_character_8) d := d + 1; Palette [i].set_g ((i_main.V_video.Gammatable [i_main.V_video.usegamma] [doompalette.read_natural_8_le (d).to_integer_32 + 1] & not_3).to_character_8) d := d + 1; Palette [i].set_b ((i_main.V_video.Gammatable [i_main.V_video.usegamma] [doompalette.read_natural_8_le (d).to_integer_32 + 1] & not_3).to_character_8) d := d + 1 i := i + 1 end palette_to_set := True end set_sdl_palette local mp: MANAGED_POINTER i: INTEGER_32 do check attached screenbuffer as sb and then attached sb.format as f and then attached f.palette as p then create mp.make (256 * 4) from i := 0 until i >= 256 loop mp.put_natural_8 (Palette [i].r.code.to_natural_8, 4 * i + 0) mp.put_natural_8 (Palette [i].g.code.to_natural_8, 4 * i + 1) mp.put_natural_8 (Palette [i].b.code.to_natural_8, 4 * i + 2) mp.put_natural_8 (Palette [i].a.code.to_natural_8, 4 * i + 3) i := i + 1 end if {SDL_PIXELS_FUNCTIONS_API}.c_sdl_set_palette_colors (p.item, mp.item, 0, 256) < 0 then {I_MAIN}.i_error ("SDL_SetPaletteColors failed " + {SDL_ERROR}.sdl_get_error) end end end end -- class I_VIDEO
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