note description: "This file has been generated by WrapC. Do not edit. Changes will be lost!" generator: "Eiffel Wrapper Generator" class SDL_KEYSYM_STRUCT_API inherit MEMORY_STRUCTURE create make, make_by_pointer feature -- Measurement structure_size: INTEGER_32 -- Size to allocate (in bytes). do Result := sizeof_external end feature -- Member Access scancode: INTEGER_32 -- Access member scancode require exists: exists do Result := c_scancode (item) ensure result_correct: Result = c_scancode (item) end set_scancode (a_value: INTEGER_32) -- Change the value of member scancode to a_value. require exists: exists do set_c_scancode (item, a_value) ensure scancode_set: a_value = scancode end sym: INTEGER_32 -- Access member sym require exists: exists do Result := c_sym (item) ensure result_correct: Result = c_sym (item) end set_sym (a_value: INTEGER_32) -- Change the value of member sym to a_value. require exists: exists do set_c_sym (item, a_value) ensure sym_set: a_value = sym end mod: NATURAL_32 -- Access member mod require exists: exists do Result := c_mod (item) ensure result_correct: Result = c_mod (item) end set_mod (a_value: NATURAL_32) -- Change the value of member mod to a_value. require exists: exists do set_c_mod (item, a_value) ensure mod_set: a_value = mod end unused: NATURAL_32 -- Access member unused require exists: exists do Result := c_unused (item) ensure result_correct: Result = c_unused (item) end set_unused (a_value: NATURAL_32) -- Change the value of member unused to a_value. require exists: exists do set_c_unused (item, a_value) ensure unused_set: a_value = unused end feature {NONE} -- Implementation wrapper for struct struct SDL_Keysym sizeof_external: INTEGER_32 external "C inline use <SDL.h>" alias "sizeof(struct SDL_Keysym)" end c_scancode (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER_32 require an_item_not_null: an_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use <SDL.h>" alias "[ ((struct SDL_Keysym*)$an_item)->scancode ]" end set_c_scancode (an_item: POINTER; a_value: INTEGER_32) require an_item_not_null: an_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use <SDL.h>" alias "[ ((struct SDL_Keysym*)$an_item)->scancode = (SDL_Scancode)$a_value ]" ensure scancode_set: a_value = c_scancode (an_item) end c_sym (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER_32 require an_item_not_null: an_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use <SDL.h>" alias "[ ((struct SDL_Keysym*)$an_item)->sym ]" end set_c_sym (an_item: POINTER; a_value: INTEGER_32) require an_item_not_null: an_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use <SDL.h>" alias "[ ((struct SDL_Keysym*)$an_item)->sym = (SDL_Keycode)$a_value ]" ensure sym_set: a_value = c_sym (an_item) end c_mod (an_item: POINTER): NATURAL_32 require an_item_not_null: an_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use <SDL.h>" alias "[ ((struct SDL_Keysym*)$an_item)->mod ]" end set_c_mod (an_item: POINTER; a_value: NATURAL_32) require an_item_not_null: an_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use <SDL.h>" alias "[ ((struct SDL_Keysym*)$an_item)->mod = (Uint16)$a_value ]" ensure mod_set: a_value = c_mod (an_item) end c_unused (an_item: POINTER): NATURAL_32 require an_item_not_null: an_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use <SDL.h>" alias "[ ((struct SDL_Keysym*)$an_item)->unused ]" end set_c_unused (an_item: POINTER; a_value: NATURAL_32) require an_item_not_null: an_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use <SDL.h>" alias "[ ((struct SDL_Keysym*)$an_item)->unused = (Uint32)$a_value ]" ensure unused_set: a_value = c_unused (an_item) end end -- class SDL_KEYSYM_STRUCT_API
Generated by ISE EiffelStudio