class P_SETUP General cluster: brie_doom description: "p_setup.c Do all the WAD I/O, get map description, set up initial state and misc. LUTs." create: make Ancestors DOOMDATA_H Queries blocklinks: ARRAY [detachable MOBJ_T] blockmap: detachable INDEX_IN_ARRAY [INTEGER_16] blockmaplump: ARRAY [INTEGER_16] bmapheight: INTEGER_32 bmaporgx: FIXED_T bmaporgy: FIXED_T bmapwidth: INTEGER_32 Commercial_monsters: ARRAY [INTEGER_32] deathmatch_p: INTEGER_32 deathmatchstarts: ARRAY [MAPTHING_T] i_main: I_MAIN lines: ARRAY [LINE_T] Max_deathmatch_starts: INTEGER_32 Ml_blocking: INTEGER_32 Ml_blockmap: INTEGER_32 Ml_blockmonsters: INTEGER_32 Ml_dontpegbottom: INTEGER_32 Ml_dontpegtop: INTEGER_32 Ml_label: INTEGER_32 Ml_linedefs: INTEGER_32 Ml_mapped: INTEGER_32 Ml_nodes: INTEGER_32 Ml_reject: INTEGER_32 Ml_secret: INTEGER_32 Ml_sectors: INTEGER_32 Ml_segs: INTEGER_32 Ml_sidedefs: INTEGER_32 Ml_soundblock: INTEGER_32 Ml_ssectors: INTEGER_32 Ml_things: INTEGER_32 Ml_twosided: INTEGER_32 Ml_vertexes: INTEGER_32 Nf_subsector: INTEGER_32 nodes: ARRAY [NODE_T] numlines: INTEGER_32 numnodes: INTEGER_32 numsectors: INTEGER_32 numsegs: INTEGER_32 numsides: INTEGER_32 numvertexes: INTEGER_32 playerstarts: ARRAY [MAPTHING_T] rejectmatrix: detachable ARRAY [NATURAL_8] sectors: ARRAY [SECTOR_T] segs: ARRAY [SEG_T] sides: ARRAY [SIDE_T] subsectors: ARRAY [SUBSECTOR_T] vertexes: ARRAY [VERTEX_T] Commands make (a_i_main: [like i_main] I_MAIN) p_grouplines p_init p_loadblockmap (lump: INTEGER_32) p_loadlinedefs (lump: INTEGER_32) p_loadnodes (lump: INTEGER_32) p_loadsectors (lump: INTEGER_32) p_loadsegs (lump: INTEGER_32) p_loadsidedefs (lump: INTEGER_32) p_loadsubsectors (lump: INTEGER_32) p_loadthings (lump: INTEGER_32) p_loadvertexes (lump: INTEGER_32) p_setuplevel (episode, map, playermask, skill: INTEGER_32) set_deathmatch_p (a_deathmatch_p: [like deathmatch_p] INTEGER_32) Constraints
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