class P_SPEC General cluster: brie_doom description: "p_spec.c Implements special effects: Texture animation, height or lighting changes according to adjacent sectors, respective utility functions, etc. Line Tag handling. Line and Sector triggers." create: make Ancestors ANY Queries Buttontime: INTEGER_32 ev_dodonut (line: LINE_T): BOOLEAN getnextsector (line: LINE_T; sec: SECTOR_T): detachable SECTOR_T Maxbuttons: INTEGER_32 Maxswitches: INTEGER_32 p_findlowestceilingsurrounding (sec: SECTOR_T): FIXED_T Vdoorspeed: INTEGER_32 Vdoorwait: INTEGER_32 Commands make p_crossspecialline (linenum, side: INTEGER_32; thing: MOBJ_T) p_initpicanims p_playerinspecialsector (player: PLAYER_T) p_shootspecialline (thing: MOBJ_T; line: LINE_T) p_spawnspecials p_updatespecials
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