note description: "[ p_doors.c Door animation code (opening/closing) ]" license: "[ Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard Copyright (C) 2021 Ilgiz Mustafin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ]" class P_DOORS inherit VLDOOR_E create make feature i_main: I_MAIN make (a_i_main: like i_main) do i_main := a_i_main end feature ev_verticaldoor (line: LINE_T; thing: MOBJ_T) -- open a door manually, no tag value local player: PLAYER_T sec: SECTOR_T door: VLDOOR_T side: INTEGER_32 returned: BOOLEAN do side := 0 player := thing.player if line.special = 26 or line.special = 32 then if attached player then if not [{CARD_T}.it_bluecard] and not [{CARD_T}.it_blueskull] then player.message := {D_ENGLSH}.pd_bluek i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (Void, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_oof) returned := True end else returned := True end end if not returned and (line.special = 27 or line.special = 34) then if attached player then if not [{CARD_T}.it_yellowcard] and not [{CARD_T}.it_yellowskull] then player.message := {D_ENGLSH}.pd_yellowk i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (Void, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_oof) returned := True end else returned := True end end if not returned and (line.special = 28 or line.special = 33) then if attached player then if not [{CARD_T}.it_redcard] and not [{CARD_T}.it_redskull] then player.message := {D_ENGLSH}.pd_redk i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (Void, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_oof) returned := True end else returned := True end end if not returned then sec := i_main.P_setup.sides [line.sidenum [side.bit_xor (1)].to_integer_32].sector check attached sec as s then if attached s.specialdata as sd then check attached {VLDOOR_T} s.specialdata as ddd then door := ddd end if line.special = 1 or line.special = 26 or line.special = 27 or line.special = 28 or line.special = 117 then if door.direction = -1 then door.direction := 1 else if thing.player = Void then returned := True else door.direction := -1 end end returned := True end end end end if not returned then check attached sec as s then if line.special = 117 or line.special = 118 then i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (s.soundorg, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_bdopn) elseif line.special = 1 or line.special = 31 then i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (s.soundorg, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_doropn) else i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (s.soundorg, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_doropn) end end end if not returned then check attached sec then create door.make (sec) i_main.P_tick.p_addthinker (door) sec.specialdata := door door.thinker.function := agent t_verticaldoor (door) door.direction := 1 door.speed := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({P_SPEC}.vdoorspeed) door.topwait := {P_SPEC}.vdoorwait if line.special = 1 or line.special = 26 or line.special = 27 or line.special = 28 then door.type := Normal elseif line.special = 31 or line.special = 32 or line.special = 33 or line.special = 34 then door.type := Open line.special := 0 elseif line.special = 117 then door.type := Blazeraise door.speed := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({P_SPEC}.vdoorspeed * 4) elseif line.special = 118 then door.type := Blazeopen line.special := 0 door.speed := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({P_SPEC}.vdoorspeed * 4) end door.topheight := i_main.P_spec.p_findlowestceilingsurrounding (sec) door.topheight := door.topheight - create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ((4 * {M_FIXED}.fracunit)) end end end ev_dodoor (line: LINE_T; type: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN do {NOT_IMPLEMENTED}.not_implemented ("EV_DoDoor", True) ensure instance_free: class end ev_dolockeddoor (line: LINE_T; type: INTEGER_32; thing: MOBJ_T): BOOLEAN -- Move a locked door up/down do {NOT_IMPLEMENTED}.not_implemented ("EV_DoLockedDoor", True) ensure instance_free: class end t_verticaldoor (door: VLDOOR_T) local res: RESULT_E do if door.direction = 0 then door.topcountdown := door.topcountdown - 1 if door.topcountdown /= 0 then if door.type = Blazeraise then door.direction := -1 i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (door.sector.soundorg, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_bdcls) elseif door.type = Normal then door.direction := -1 i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (door.sector.soundorg, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_dorcls) elseif door.type = Close30thenopen then door.direction := 1 i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (door.sector.soundorg, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_doropn) end end elseif door.direction = 2 then door.topcountdown := door.topcountdown - 1 if door.topcountdown /= 0 then if door.type = Raisein5mins then door.direction := 1 door.type := Normal i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (door.sector.soundorg, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_doropn) end end elseif door.direction = -1 then res := i_main.P_floor.t_moveplane (door.sector, door.speed, door.sector.floorheight, False, 1, door.direction) if res = {RESULT_E}.pastdest then if door.type = Blazeraise or door.type = Blazeclose then door.sector.specialdata := Void i_main.P_tick.p_removethinker (door) i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (door.sector.soundorg, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_bdcls) elseif door.type = Normal or door.type = Close then door.sector.specialdata := Void i_main.P_tick.p_removethinker (door) elseif door.type = Close30thenopen then door.direction := 0 door.topcountdown := 35 * 30 end elseif res = {RESULT_E}.crushed then if door.type = Blazeclose or door.type = Close then else door.direction := 1 i_main.S_sound.s_startsound (door.sector.soundorg, {SFXENUM_T}.sfx_doropn) end end elseif door.direction = 1 then res := i_main.P_floor.t_moveplane (door.sector, door.speed, door.topheight, False, 1, door.direction) if res = {RESULT_E}.pastdest then if door.type = Blazeraise or door.type = Normal then door.direction := 0 door.topcountdown := door.topwait elseif door.type = Close30thenopen or door.type = Blazeopen or door.type = Open then door.sector.specialdata := Void i_main.P_tick.p_removethinker (door) end end end end end -- class P_DOORS
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