note description: "[ d_englsh.h Printed strings for translation. English language support (default). ]" license: "[ Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard Copyright (C) 2021 Ilgiz Mustafin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ]" class D_ENGLSH create default_create feature Presskey: STRING_8 = "press a key." Pressyn: STRING_8 = "press y or n." Newgame: STRING_8 once Result := "you can't start a new game%Nwhile in a network game.%N%N" + Presskey ensure instance_free: class end Swstring: STRING_8 once Result := "this is the shareware version of doom.%N%Nyou need to order the entire trilogy.%N%N" + Presskey ensure instance_free: class end Nightmare: STRING_8 once Result := "are you sure? this skill level%Nisn't even remotely fair.%N%N" + Pressyn ensure instance_free: class end Hustr_plrgreen: STRING_8 = "Green: " Hustr_plrindigo: STRING_8 = "Indigo: " Hustr_plrbrown: STRING_8 = "Brown: " Hustr_plrred: STRING_8 = "Red: " feature -- P_Doors.C Pd_bluek: STRING_8 = "You need a blue key to open this door" Pd_redk: STRING_8 = "You need a red key to open this door" Pd_yellowk: STRING_8 = "You need a yellow key to open this door" feature Gotarmor: STRING_8 = "Picked up the armor." Gotmega: STRING_8 = "Picked up the MegaArmor!" Goththbonus: STRING_8 = "Picked up a health bonus." Gotarmbonus: STRING_8 = "Picked up an armor bonus." Gotstim: STRING_8 = "Picked up a stimpack." Gotmedineed: STRING_8 = "Picked up a medikit that you REALLY need!" Gotmedikit: STRING_8 = "Picked up a medikit." Gotsuper: STRING_8 = "Supercharge!" Gotbluecard: STRING_8 = "Picked up a blue keycard." Gotyelwcard: STRING_8 = "Picked up a yellow keycard." Gotredcard: STRING_8 = "Picked up a red keycard." Gotblueskul: STRING_8 = "Picked up a blue skull key." Gotyelwskul: STRING_8 = "Picked up a yellow skull key." Gotredskull: STRING_8 = "Picked up a red skull key." Gotinvul: STRING_8 = "Invulnerability!" Gotberserk: STRING_8 = "Berserk!" Gotinvis: STRING_8 = "Partial Invisibility" Gotsuit: STRING_8 = "Radiation Shielding Suit" Gotmap: STRING_8 = "Computer Area Map" Gotvisor: STRING_8 = "Light Amplification Visor" Gotmsphere: STRING_8 = "MegaSphere!" Gotclip: STRING_8 = "Picked up a clip." Gotclipbox: STRING_8 = "Picked up a box of bullets." Gotrocket: STRING_8 = "Picked up a rocket." Gotrockbox: STRING_8 = "Picked up a box of rockets." Gotcell: STRING_8 = "Picked up an energy cell." Gotcellbox: STRING_8 = "Picked up an energy cell pack." Gotshells: STRING_8 = "Picked up 4 shotgun shells." Gotshellbox: STRING_8 = "Picked up a box of shotgun shells." Gotbackpack: STRING_8 = "Picked up a backpack full of ammo!" Gotbfg9000: STRING_8 = "You got the BFG9000! Oh, yes." Gotchaingun: STRING_8 = "You got the chaingun!" Gotchainsaw: STRING_8 = "A chainsaw! Find some meat!" Gotlauncher: STRING_8 = "You got the rocket launcher!" Gotplasma: STRING_8 = "You got the plasma gun!" Gotshotgun: STRING_8 = "You got the shotgun!" Gotshotgun2: STRING_8 = "You got the super shotgun!" end -- class D_ENGLSH
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