	EQA_TEST_EVALUATOR [G -> EQA_TEST_SET create default_create end]

	cluster: testing
		"Objects that are able to run tests in a protected environment and provide information whether
		the test has failed or succeeded.
		Note: Evaluator is not able to recover from all exceptions. Tests causing seg-faults or out-of-
		      memory exceptions might put evaluator in an unstable state."


	Arguments: ARGUMENTS_32
	assertion_violation: BOOLEAN
	attached_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
	available_cpu_count: NATURAL_32
	Bit_type: INTEGER_32
	boolean_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): BOOLEAN
	Boolean_type: INTEGER_32
	character_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): CHARACTER_32
	Character_32_type: INTEGER_32
	character_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): CHARACTER_8
	Character_8_type: INTEGER_32
	character_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): CHARACTER_8
	Character_type: INTEGER_32
	Check_instruction: INTEGER_32
	Class_invariant: INTEGER_32
	class_name (object: ANY): STRING_8
	class_name_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_8
	Com_exception: INTEGER_32
	compiler_version: INTEGER_32
	Create_on_deferred: INTEGER_32
	current_working_path: PATH
	deep_physical_size (object: ANY): INTEGER_32
	deep_physical_size_64 (object: ANY): NATURAL_64
	Default_shell: STRING_32
	detachable_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
	Developer_exception: INTEGER_32
	developer_exception_name: detachable STRING_8
	Dollar_applied_to_melted_feature: INTEGER_32
	double_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): REAL_64
	Double_type: INTEGER_32
	dynamic_type (object: separate ANY): INTEGER_32
	dynamic_type_from_string (class_type: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): INTEGER_32
	Eiffel_runtime_fatal_error: INTEGER_32
	Eiffel_runtime_panic: INTEGER_32
	exception: INTEGER_32
	exception_class_name: detachable STRING_8
	Exception_in_signal_handler: INTEGER_32
	Exception_manager: EXCEPTION_MANAGER
	exception_trace: detachable STRING_8
	Expanded_type: INTEGER_32
	External_exception: INTEGER_32
	field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): detachable ANY
	field_conforms_to (a_source_type, a_field_type: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
	field_count (object: ANY): INTEGER_32
	field_count_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
	field_name (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): STRING_8
	field_name_of_type (i, type_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_8
	field_offset (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_32
	field_static_type_of_type (i, type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
	field_type (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_32
	field_type_of_type (i, type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
	Floating_point_exception: INTEGER_32
	generic_count (obj: ANY): INTEGER_32
	generic_count_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
	generic_dynamic_type (obj: ANY; i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
	generic_dynamic_type_of_type (type_id, i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
	Home_directory_path: detachable PATH
	Incorrect_inspect_value: INTEGER_32
	integer_16_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_16
	Integer_16_type: INTEGER_32
	integer_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_32
	Integer_32_type: INTEGER_32
	integer_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_64
	Integer_64_type: INTEGER_32
	integer_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_8
	Integer_8_type: INTEGER_32
	integer_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): INTEGER_32
	Integer_type: INTEGER_32
	Io_exception: INTEGER_32
	is_attached_type (a_type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
	is_developer_exception: BOOLEAN
	is_developer_exception_of_name (name: detachable STRING_8): BOOLEAN
	is_field_expanded (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): BOOLEAN
	is_field_expanded_of_type (i, a_type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
	is_field_transient (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): BOOLEAN
	is_field_transient_of_type (i, a_type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
	is_instance_of (object: ANY; type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
	is_marked (obj: separate ANY): BOOLEAN
	is_pre_ecma_mapping_disabled: BOOLEAN
	is_signal: BOOLEAN
	is_special (object: ANY): BOOLEAN
	is_special_any_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
	is_special_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
	is_system_exception: BOOLEAN
	is_tuple (object: ANY): BOOLEAN
	is_tuple_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
	is_valid_type_string (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN
	item (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRING_32
	Loop_invariant: INTEGER_32
	Loop_variant: INTEGER_32
	Max_predefined_type: INTEGER_32
	meaning (except: INTEGER_32): detachable STRING_8
	Min_predefined_type: INTEGER_32
	natural_16_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): NATURAL_16
	Natural_16_type: INTEGER_32
	natural_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): NATURAL_32
	Natural_32_type: INTEGER_32
	natural_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): NATURAL_64
	Natural_64_type: INTEGER_32
	natural_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): NATURAL_8
	Natural_8_type: INTEGER_32
	new_instance_of (type_id: INTEGER_32): ANY
	new_special_any_instance (type_id, a_capacity: INTEGER_32): SPECIAL [detachable ANY]
	new_tuple_from_special (type_id: INTEGER_32; values: SPECIAL [detachable separate ANY]): detachable TUPLE
	new_tuple_from_tuple (type_id: INTEGER_32; source: separate TUPLE): detachable TUPLE
	No_more_memory: INTEGER_32
	None_type: INTEGER_32
	Number_of_codes: INTEGER_32
	Old_exception: INTEGER_32
	Operating_system_exception: INTEGER_32
	original_class_name: detachable STRING_8
	original_exception: INTEGER_32
	original_recipient_name: detachable STRING_8
	original_tag_name: detachable STRING_8
	Out_of_memory: INTEGER_32
	persistent_field_count (object: ANY): INTEGER_32
	persistent_field_count_of_type (a_type_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
	physical_size (object: ANY): INTEGER_32
	physical_size_64 (object: separate ANY): NATURAL_64
	pointer_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): POINTER
	Pointer_type: INTEGER_32
	Postcondition: INTEGER_32
	Precondition: INTEGER_32
	real_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): REAL_32
	Real_32_type: INTEGER_32
	real_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): REAL_64
	Real_64_type: INTEGER_32
	real_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): REAL_32
	Real_type: INTEGER_32
	recipient_name: detachable STRING_8
	reference_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY): detachable ANY
	Reference_type: INTEGER_32
	Rescue_exception: INTEGER_32
	Resumption_failed: INTEGER_32
	Retrieve_exception: INTEGER_32
	return_code: INTEGER_32
	Root_directory_name: STRING_8
	Routine_failure: INTEGER_32
	Runtime_check_exception: INTEGER_32
	Runtime_io_exception: INTEGER_32
	Serialization_exception: INTEGER_32
	Signal_exception: INTEGER_32
	starting_environment: HASH_TABLE [STRING_32, STRING_32]
	storable_version_of_type (a_type_id: INTEGER_32): detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_8
	tag_name: detachable STRING_8
	Temporary_directory_path: detachable PATH
	type_conforms_to (type1, type2: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
	type_name (object: ANY): STRING_8
	type_name_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_8
	type_of (object: detachable ANY): TYPE [detachable ANY]
	type_of_type (type_id: INTEGER_32): TYPE [detachable ANY]
	User_directory_path: detachable PATH
	valid_code (c: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
	Void_assigned_to_expanded: INTEGER_32
	Void_call_target: INTEGER_32
	Wide_character_type: INTEGER_32

	catch (code: INTEGER_32)
	change_working_path (path: PATH)
	die (code: INTEGER_32)
	ignore (code: INTEGER_32)
	mark (obj: separate ANY)
	put (value, key: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL)
	raise (name: detachable STRING_8)
	raise_retrieval_exception (name: detachable STRING_8)
	set_boolean_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: BOOLEAN)
	set_character_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: CHARACTER_32)
	set_character_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: CHARACTER_8)
	set_character_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: CHARACTER_8)
	set_double_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: REAL_64)
	set_integer_16_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: INTEGER_16)
	set_integer_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: INTEGER_32)
	set_integer_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: INTEGER_64)
	set_integer_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: INTEGER_8)
	set_integer_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: INTEGER_32)
	set_natural_16_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: NATURAL_16)
	set_natural_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: NATURAL_32)
	set_natural_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: NATURAL_64)
	set_natural_8_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: NATURAL_8)
	set_pointer_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: POINTER)
	set_real_32_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: REAL_32)
	set_real_64_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: REAL_64)
	set_real_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: REAL_32)
	set_reference_field (i: INTEGER_32; object: ANY; value: detachable ANY)
	sleep (nanoseconds: INTEGER_64)
	unmark (obj: separate ANY)

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