expanded class

	cluster: elks
	description: "Characters, with comparison operations and an ASCII code"
	create: default_create, make_from_reference


	as_lower: CHARACTER_8
	as_upper: CHARACTER_8
	code: INTEGER_32
	difference alias "|-|" (other: CHARACTER_8): INTEGER_32
	hash_code: INTEGER_32
	is_alpha: BOOLEAN
	is_alpha_numeric: BOOLEAN
	is_control: BOOLEAN
	is_digit: BOOLEAN
	is_equal (other: [like Current] CHARACTER_8): BOOLEAN
	is_graph: BOOLEAN
	is_greater alias ">" (other: [like Current] CHARACTER_8): BOOLEAN
	is_greater_equal alias ">=" (other: [like Current] CHARACTER_8): BOOLEAN
	is_hashable: BOOLEAN
	is_hexa_digit: BOOLEAN
	is_less alias "<" (other: [like Current] CHARACTER_8): BOOLEAN
	is_less_equal alias "<=" (other: [like Current] CHARACTER_8): BOOLEAN
	is_lower: BOOLEAN
	is_printable: BOOLEAN
	is_punctuation: BOOLEAN
	is_space: BOOLEAN
	is_upper: BOOLEAN
	item: CHARACTER_8
	lower: CHARACTER_8
	max (other: [like Current] CHARACTER_8): [like Current] CHARACTER_8
	Max_ascii_value: INTEGER_32
	Max_value: INTEGER_32
	min (other: [like Current] CHARACTER_8): [like Current] CHARACTER_8
	Min_value: INTEGER_32
	minus alias "-" (decr: INTEGER_32): CHARACTER_8
	natural_32_code: NATURAL_32
	next: CHARACTER_8
	out: STRING_8
	plus alias "+" (incr: INTEGER_32): CHARACTER_8
	previous: CHARACTER_8
	three_way_comparison (other: [like Current] CHARACTER_8): INTEGER_32
	to_character_32: CHARACTER_32
	to_character_8: CHARACTER_8
	to_reference: CHARACTER_8_REF
	upper: CHARACTER_8

	set_item (c: CHARACTER_8)

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