note description: "[ p_maputl.c Movement/collision utility functions, as used by function in p_map.c. BLOCKMAP Iterator functions, and some PIT_* functions to use for iteration ]" license: "[ Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard Copyright (C) 2021 Ilgiz Mustafin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ]" class P_MAPUTL create make feature i_main: I_MAIN make (a_i_main: like i_main) local i: INTEGER_32 do i_main := a_i_main create trace create intercepts.make_filled (create {INTERCEPT_T}, 0, {P_LOCAL}.maxintercepts - 1) from i := 0 until i > intercepts.upper loop intercepts [i] := create {INTERCEPT_T} i := i + 1 end end feature p_unsetthingposition (thing: MOBJ_T) -- Unlinks a thing from block map and sectors. -- On each position change, BLOCKMAP and other -- lookups maintaining lists of things inside -- these structures need to be updated. local blockx: INTEGER_32 blocky: INTEGER_32 do if thing.flags & {MOBJFLAG_T}.mf_nosector = 0 then if attached thing.snext as snext then snext.sprev := thing.sprev end if attached thing.sprev as sprev then sprev.snext := thing.snext else check attached thing.subsector as sub and then attached sub.sector as sec then sec.thinglist := thing.snext end end end if thing.flags & {MOBJFLAG_T}.mf_noblockmap = 0 then if attached thing.bnext as bnext then bnext.bprev := thing.bprev end if attached thing.bprev as bprev then bprev.bnext := thing.bnext else blockx := ((thing.x - i_main.P_setup.bmaporgx) |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapblockshift).to_integer_32 blocky := ((thing.y - i_main.P_setup.bmaporgy) |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapblockshift).to_integer_32 if blockx >= 0 and blockx < i_main.P_setup.bmapwidth and blocky >= 0 and blocky < i_main.P_setup.bmapheight then i_main.P_setup.blocklinks [blocky * i_main.P_setup.bmapwidth + blockx] := thing.bnext end end end end p_setthingposition (thing: MOBJ_T) -- Links a thing into both a block and a subsector -- based on it's x y. -- Sets thing->subsector properly local ss: SUBSECTOR_T sec: SECTOR_T blockx, blocky: INTEGER_32 link: MOBJ_T do ss := i_main.R_main.r_pointinsubsector (thing.x, thing.y) thing.subsector := ss if thing.flags & {MOBJFLAG_T}.mf_nosector = 0 then sec := ss.sector check attached sec then thing.sprev := Void thing.snext := sec.thinglist if attached sec.thinglist as thinglist then thinglist.sprev := thing end sec.thinglist := thing end end if thing.flags & {MOBJFLAG_T}.mf_noblockmap = 0 then blockx := ((thing.x - i_main.P_setup.bmaporgx) |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapblockshift).to_integer_32 blocky := ((thing.y - i_main.P_setup.bmaporgy) |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapblockshift).to_integer_32 if blockx >= 0 and blockx < i_main.P_setup.bmapwidth and blocky >= 0 and blocky < i_main.P_setup.bmapheight then link := i_main.P_setup.blocklinks [blocky * i_main.P_setup.bmapwidth + blockx] thing.bprev := Void thing.bnext := link if attached link then link.bprev := thing end i_main.P_setup.blocklinks [blocky * i_main.P_setup.bmapwidth + blockx] := thing else thing.bnext := Void thing.bprev := Void end end end p_pointonlineside (x, y: FIXED_T; line: LINE_T): INTEGER_32 -- Returns 0 or 1 local dx: FIXED_T dy: FIXED_T left: FIXED_T right: FIXED_T do if line.dx = create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then if x <= line.v1.x then Result := (line.dy > create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0)).to_integer else Result := (line.dy < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0)).to_integer end elseif line.dy = create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then if y <= line.v1.y then Result := (line.dx < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0)).to_integer else Result := (line.dx > create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0)).to_integer end else dx := x - line.v1.x dy := y - line.v1.y left := {M_FIXED}.fixedmul (line.dy |>> {M_FIXED}.fracbits, dx) right := {M_FIXED}.fixedmul (dy, line.dx |>> {M_FIXED}.fracbits) if right < left then Result := 0 else Result := 1 end end ensure Result = 0 or Result = 1 end p_aproxdistance (a_dx, a_dy: FIXED_T): FIXED_T local dx, dy: FIXED_T do dx := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (a_dx.abs) dy := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (a_dy.abs) if dx < dy then Result := dx + dy - (dx |>> 1) else Result := dx + dy - (dy |>> 1) end end p_blockthingsiterator (x, y: INTEGER_32; func: FUNCTION [MOBJ_T, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN local mobj: MOBJ_T do if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= i_main.P_setup.bmapwidth or y >= i_main.P_setup.bmapheight then Result := True else from Result := True mobj := i_main.P_setup.blocklinks [y * i_main.P_setup.bmapwidth + x] until not Result or mobj = Void loop Result := func.item (mobj) mobj := mobj.bnext end end end p_blocklinesiterator (x, y: INTEGER_32; func: PREDICATE [LINE_T]): BOOLEAN -- The validcount flags are used to avoid checking lines -- that are marked in multiple mapblocks, -- so increment validcount before the first call -- to P_BlocLinesIterator, then make one or more calls to it. local offset: INTEGER_32 list: INTEGER_32 ld: LINE_T returned: BOOLEAN do if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= i_main.P_setup.bmapwidth or y >= i_main.P_setup.bmapheight then Result := True returned := True end if not returned then offset := y * i_main.P_setup.bmapwidth + x check attached i_main.P_setup.blockmap as bm then offset := bm [offset].to_integer_32 end from Result := True list := offset until not Result or i_main.P_setup.blockmaplump [list] = -1 loop ld := i_main.P_setup.lines [i_main.P_setup.blockmaplump [list].to_integer_32] if ld.validcount = i_main.R_main.validcount then else ld.validcount := i_main.R_main.validcount if not func.item (ld) then Result := False end end list := list + 1 end end end p_boxonlineside (tmbox: ARRAY [INTEGER_32]; ld: LINE_T): INTEGER_32 -- Considers the line to be infinite -- Returns side 0 or 1, -1 if box crosses the line local p1: INTEGER_32 p2: INTEGER_32 do if ld.slopetype = {R_DEFS}.st_horizontal then p1 := (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxtop] > ld.v1.y.as_integer_32).to_integer p2 := (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxbottom] > ld.v1.y.as_integer_32).to_integer if ld.dx < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then p1 := p1.bit_xor (1) p2 := p2.bit_xor (1) end elseif ld.slopetype = {R_DEFS}.st_vertical then p1 := (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxright] < ld.v1.x.as_integer_32).to_integer p2 := (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxleft] < ld.v1.x.as_integer_32).to_integer if ld.dy < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then p1 := p1.bit_xor (1) p2 := p2.bit_xor (1) end elseif ld.slopetype = {R_DEFS}.st_positive then p1 := p_pointonlineside (create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxleft]), create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxtop]), ld) p2 := p_pointonlineside (create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxright]), create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxbottom]), ld) elseif ld.slopetype = {R_DEFS}.st_negative then p1 := p_pointonlineside (create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxright]), create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxtop]), ld) p2 := p_pointonlineside (create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxleft]), create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (tmbox [{M_BBOX}.boxbottom]), ld) end if p1 = p2 then Result := p1 else Result := -1 end end feature -- P_LineOpening opentop: FIXED_T openbottom: FIXED_T openrange: FIXED_T lowfloor: FIXED_T p_lineopening (linedef: LINE_T) -- Sets opentop and openbottom to the window -- through a two sided line. -- OPTIMIZE: keep this precalculated do if linedef.sidenum [1] = -1 then openrange := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) else check attached linedef.frontsector as front and then attached linedef.backsector as back then if front.ceilingheight < back.ceilingheight then opentop := front.ceilingheight else opentop := back.ceilingheight end if front.floorheight > back.floorheight then openbottom := front.floorheight lowfloor := back.floorheight else openbottom := back.floorheight lowfloor := front.floorheight end openrange := opentop - openbottom end end end feature earlyout: BOOLEAN intercepts: ARRAY [INTERCEPT_T] intercept_p: detachable INDEX_IN_ARRAY [INTERCEPT_T] trace: DIVLINE_T p_pathtraverse (a_x1, a_y1, a_x2, a_y2: FIXED_T; flags: INTEGER_32; trav: PREDICATE [INTERCEPT_T]): BOOLEAN local xt1, yt1, xt2, yt2: FIXED_T xstep, ystep: FIXED_T partial: FIXED_T xintercept, yintercept: FIXED_T mapx: INTEGER_32 mapy: INTEGER_32 mapxstep: INTEGER_32 mapystep: INTEGER_32 count: INTEGER_32 returned: BOOLEAN break: BOOLEAN x1, y1, x2, y2: FIXED_T do x1 := a_x1 y1 := a_y1 x2 := a_x2 y2 := a_y2 earlyout := flags & {P_LOCAL}.pt_earlyout /= 0 i_main.R_main.validcount := i_main.R_main.validcount + 1 create intercept_p.make (0, intercepts) if ((x1 - i_main.P_setup.bmaporgx) & create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (({P_LOCAL}.mapblocksize - 1))) = create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then x1 := x1 + create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({M_FIXED}.fracunit) end if ((y1 - i_main.P_setup.bmaporgy) & create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (({P_LOCAL}.mapblocksize - 1))) = create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then y1 := y1 + create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({M_FIXED}.fracunit) end trace.x := x1 trace.y := y1 trace.dx := x2 - x1 trace.dy := y2 - y1 x1 := x1 - i_main.P_setup.bmaporgx y1 := y1 - i_main.P_setup.bmaporgy xt1 := x1 |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapblockshift yt1 := y1 |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapblockshift x2 := x2 - i_main.P_setup.bmaporgx y2 := y2 - i_main.P_setup.bmaporgy xt2 := x2 |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapblockshift yt2 := y2 |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapblockshift if xt2 > xt1 then mapxstep := 1 partial := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({M_FIXED}.fracunit - ((x1 |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapbtofrac) & create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (({M_FIXED}.fracunit - 1))).as_integer_32) ystep := {M_FIXED}.fixeddiv (y2 - y1, create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ((x2 - x1).abs)) elseif xt2 < xt1 then mapxstep := -1 partial := (x1 |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapbtofrac) & create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (({M_FIXED}.fracunit - 1)) ystep := {M_FIXED}.fixeddiv (y2 - y1, create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ((x2 - x1).abs)) else mapxstep := 0 partial := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({M_FIXED}.fracunit) ystep := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (256 * {M_FIXED}.fracunit) end yintercept := (y1 |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapbtofrac) + {M_FIXED}.fixedmul (partial, ystep) if yt2 > yt1 then mapystep := 1 partial := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({M_FIXED}.fracunit - ((y1 |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapbtofrac) & create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (({M_FIXED}.fracunit - 1))).as_integer_32) xstep := {M_FIXED}.fixeddiv (x2 - x1, create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ((y2 - y1).abs)) elseif yt2 < yt1 then mapystep := -1 partial := (y1 |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapbtofrac) & create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (({M_FIXED}.fracunit - 1)) xstep := {M_FIXED}.fixeddiv (x2 - x1, create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ((y2 - y1).abs)) else mapystep := 0 partial := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({M_FIXED}.fracunit) xstep := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (256 * {M_FIXED}.fracunit) end xintercept := (x1 |>> {P_LOCAL}.mapbtofrac) + {M_FIXED}.fixedmul (partial, xstep) mapx := xt1.as_integer_32 mapy := yt1.as_integer_32 from count := 0 returned := False break := False until returned or break or count >= 64 loop if flags & {P_LOCAL}.pt_addlines /= 0 then if not p_blocklinesiterator (mapx, mapy, agent pit_addlineintercepts) then Result := False returned := True end end if not returned then if flags & {P_LOCAL}.pt_addthings /= 0 then if not p_blockthingsiterator (mapx, mapy, agent pit_addthingintercepts) then Result := False returned := True end end end if not returned then if mapx = xt2.as_integer_32 and mapy = yt2.as_integer_32 then break := True end end if not returned and not break then if (yintercept |>> {M_FIXED}.fracbits) = create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (mapy) then yintercept := yintercept + ystep mapx := mapx + mapxstep elseif (xintercept |>> {M_FIXED}.fracbits) = create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (mapx) then xintercept := xintercept + xstep mapy := mapy + mapystep end end count := count + 1 end if not returned then Result := p_traverseintercepts (trav, create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({M_FIXED}.fracunit)) end end pit_addthingintercepts (thing: MOBJ_T): BOOLEAN local x1: FIXED_T y1: FIXED_T x2: FIXED_T y2: FIXED_T s1: INTEGER_32 s2: INTEGER_32 tracepositive: BOOLEAN dl: DIVLINE_T frac: FIXED_T do tracepositive := (trace.dx.bit_xor (trace.dy)) > create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) if tracepositive then x1 := thing.x - thing.radius y1 := thing.y + thing.radius x2 := thing.x + thing.radius y2 := thing.y - thing.radius else x1 := thing.x - thing.radius y1 := thing.y - thing.radius x2 := thing.x + thing.radius y2 := thing.y + thing.radius end s1 := p_pointondivlineside (x1, y1, trace).to_integer s2 := p_pointondivlineside (x2, y2, trace).to_integer if s1 = s2 then Result := True else create dl dl.x := x1 dl.y := y1 dl.dx := x2 - x1 dl.dy := y2 - y1 frac := p_interceptvector (trace, dl) if frac < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then Result := True else check attached intercept_p as ip then ip.this.frac := frac ip.this.isaline := False ip.this.thing := thing intercept_p := ip + 1 end Result := True end end end pit_addlineintercepts (ld: LINE_T): BOOLEAN -- Looks for lines in the given block -- that intercept the given trace -- to add to the intercepts list. -- -- A line is crossed if its endpoints -- are on opposite sides of the trace. -- Returns true if earlyout and a solid line hit. local s1: INTEGER_32 s2: INTEGER_32 frac: FIXED_T dl: DIVLINE_T do if trace.dx > create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({M_FIXED}.fracunit * 16) or trace.dy > create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({M_FIXED}.fracunit * 16) or trace.dx < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (- {M_FIXED}.fracunit * 16) or trace.dy < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (- {M_FIXED}.fracunit) then s1 := p_pointondivlineside (ld.v1.x, ld.v1.y, trace).to_integer s2 := p_pointondivlineside (ld.v2.x, ld.v2.y, trace).to_integer else s1 := p_pointonlineside (trace.x, trace.y, ld) s2 := p_pointonlineside (trace.x + trace.dx, trace.y + trace.dy, ld) end if s1 = s2 then Result := True else create dl.make_from_line (ld) frac := p_interceptvector (trace, dl) if frac < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then Result := True else if earlyout and frac < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({M_FIXED}.fracunit) and ld.backsector = Void then Result := False else check attached intercept_p as ip then ip.this.frac := frac ip.this.isaline := True ip.this.line := ld intercept_p := ip + 1 Result := True end end end end end p_interceptvector (v2, v1: DIVLINE_T): FIXED_T -- Returns the fractional intercept point -- along the first divline. -- This is only called by the addthings -- and addlines traversers. local frac: FIXED_T num: FIXED_T den: FIXED_T do den := {M_FIXED}.fixedmul (v1.dy |>> 8, v2.dx) - {M_FIXED}.fixedmul (v1.dx |>> 8, v2.dy) if den = create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then Result := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) else num := {M_FIXED}.fixedmul ((v1.x - v2.x) |>> 8, v1.dy) + {M_FIXED}.fixedmul ((v2.y - v1.y) |>> 8, v1.dx) frac := {M_FIXED}.fixeddiv (num, den) Result := frac end end p_pointondivlineside (x, y: FIXED_T; line: DIVLINE_T): BOOLEAN -- Returns True for 1, False for 0 local dx: FIXED_T dy: FIXED_T left: FIXED_T right: FIXED_T do if line.dx = create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then if x <= line.x then Result := line.dy > create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) else Result := line.dy < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) end elseif line.dy = create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then if y <= line.y then Result := line.dx < create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) else Result := line.dx > create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) end else dx := (x - line.x) dy := (y - line.y) if line.dy.bit_xor (line.dx).bit_xor (dx).bit_xor (dy) & create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ((2147483648).to_integer_32) /= create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then if line.dy.bit_xor (dx) & create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ((2147483648).to_integer_32) /= create {FIXED_T}.from_integer (0) then Result := True else Result := False end else left := {M_FIXED}.fixedmul (line.dy |>> 8, dx |>> 8) right := {M_FIXED}.fixedmul (dy |>> 8, line.dx |>> 8) if right < left then Result := False else Result := True end end end end p_traverseintercepts (func: PREDICATE [INTERCEPT_T]; maxfrac: FIXED_T): BOOLEAN -- Returns true if the traverser function returns true -- for all lines. require intercept_p /= Void local count: INTEGER_32 dist: FIXED_T scan: INDEX_IN_ARRAY [INTERCEPT_T] in: INTERCEPT_T returned: BOOLEAN do from check attached intercept_p as ip then count := ip.index end until returned or count = 0 loop count := count - 1 dist := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({DOOMTYPE_H}.maxint) from create scan.make (0, intercepts) until returned or (intercept_p = Void or else (attached intercept_p as ip and then scan.index >= ip.index)) loop if scan.this.frac < dist then dist := scan.this.frac in := scan.this end create scan.make (scan.index + 1, intercepts) end if dist > maxfrac then Result := True returned := True else check attached in as attached_in then if not func.item (attached_in) then Result := False returned := True else attached_in.frac := create {FIXED_T}.from_integer ({DOOMTYPE_H}.maxint) end end end end if not returned then Result := True end end invariant {UTILS [INTERCEPT_T]}.invariant_ref_array (intercepts, {P_LOCAL}.maxintercepts) end -- class P_MAPUTL
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