note description: "[ Interpreter for line based Eiffel like interpreter language. Depends on a generated Erl-G reflection library. ]" author: "Andreas Leitner" date: "$Date: 2017-05-03 14:51:35 +0000 (Wed, 03 May 2017) $" revision: "$Revision: 100315 $" class ITP_INTERPRETER inherit ANY EXCEPTIONS export {NONE} all end ARGUMENTS_32 export {NONE} all end ITP_SHARED_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end ERL_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT rename Command_line as Command_line_arguments export {NONE} all end SED_STORABLE_FACILITIES export {NONE} all end EQA_EXTERNALS create execute feature {NONE} -- Initialization execute -- Execute interpreter. -- Command line for current: interpreter <port> <melt feature id> <log file> -- <port> is the port number used in socket IPC -- <melt feature id> is the feature body ID whose byte-code is to be injected -- <log file> is the file to store logs. local l_log_filename: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_server_url: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_port: INTEGER_32 do if argument_count /= 5 then check wrong_number_of_arguments: False end end l_server_url := argument (1) l_port := argument (2).to_integer byte_code_feature_body_id := argument (3).to_integer byte_code_feature_pattern_id := argument (4).to_integer l_log_filename := argument (5) create output_buffer.make (Buffer_size) create error_buffer.make (Buffer_size) create object_store.make create log_file.make_with_name (l_log_filename) log_file.open_append if not log_file.is_open_write then report_error ("could not open log file '" + l_log_filename + "'.") die (1) end start (l_port, (create {INET_ADDRESS_FACTORY}).create_loopback) log_file.close end start (a_port: INTEGER_32; a_server_url: INET_ADDRESS) -- Connect to EiffelStudio and initiate main_loop. require a_server_url_attached: a_server_url /= Void a_port_valid: a_port >= 0 local l_trace: STRING_8 do create socket.make_client_by_address_and_port (a_server_url, a_port) socket.connect socket.set_blocking socket.set_nodelay log_message ("<session>%N") main_loop log_message ("</session>%N") rescue if attached exception_trace as l_excpt_trace then l_trace := l_excpt_trace.twin l_trace.replace_substring_all ("%N", " ") log_internal_error (l_excpt_trace) else l_trace := "Unknown error" log_internal_error (l_trace) end log_message ("</session>%N") report_error ("internal. " + l_trace) die (1) end feature -- Status report has_error: BOOLEAN -- Has an error occurred while parsing? is_last_protected_execution_successfull: BOOLEAN -- Was the last protected execution successfull? -- (i.e. did it not trigger an exception) should_quit: BOOLEAN -- Should main loop quit? is_request_type_valid (a_type: NATURAL_32): BOOLEAN -- Is a_type a valid request type? do Result := a_type = Start_request_flag.to_natural_32 or else a_type = Quit_request_flag.to_natural_32 or else a_type = Execute_request_flag.to_natural_32 or else a_type = Type_request_flag.to_natural_32 end feature {NONE} -- Handlers report_type_request require last_request_attached: last_request /= Void last_request_is_type_request: last_request_type = Type_request_flag.to_natural_32 local b: BOOLEAN l_index: INTEGER_32 l_value: detachable ANY l_object_store: like object_store l_type: STRING_8 do if attached {STRING_8} last_request as l_obj_index then log_message ("report_type_request start%N") l_index := l_obj_index.to_integer l_object_store := object_store if l_object_store.is_variable_defined (l_index) then l_value := l_object_store.variable_value (l_index) if l_value = Void then create l_type.make (4) l_type.append (None_type_name) else create l_type.make (64) b := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (False) l_type.append ( b := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (b) end print_line_and_flush (l_type) else report_error ("Variable `v_" + l_index.out + "' not defined.") end log_message ("report_type_request end%N") else report_error (Invalid_request_format_error) end refresh_last_response_flag last_response := [output_buffer, error_buffer] send_response_to_socket end report_quit_request do should_quit := True end report_start_request do end report_execute_request -- Report execute request. require last_request_attached: last_request /= Void last_request_is_execute_request: last_request_type = Execute_request_flag.to_natural_32 local l_bcode: detachable STRING_8 l_cstring: C_STRING do if attached {TUPLE [l_byte_code: detachable STRING_8; l_data: detachable ANY]} last_request as l_last_request then l_bcode := l_last_request.l_byte_code if l_bcode = Void then report_error (Byte_code_not_found_error) elseif l_bcode.count = 0 then report_error (Byte_code_length_error) else log_message ("report_execute_request start%N") create l_cstring.make (l_bcode) override_byte_code_of_body (byte_code_feature_body_id, byte_code_feature_pattern_id, l_cstring.item, l_bcode.count) execute_protected log_message ("report_execute_request end%N") end else report_error (Invalid_request_format_error) end refresh_last_response_flag last_response := [output_buffer, error_buffer] send_response_to_socket end refresh_last_response_flag -- Refresh the value of last_response_flag according to current status. do if has_error then last_response_flag := Internal_error_respones_flag.to_natural_32 elseif is_last_invariant_violated then last_response_flag := Invariant_violation_on_entry_response_flag.to_natural_32 else last_response_flag := Normal_response_flag.to_natural_32 end end feature {NONE} -- Error Reporting report_error (a_reason: STRING_8) require a_reason_not_void: a_reason /= Void a_reason_not_empty: not a_reason.is_empty do error_buffer.append ("error: " + a_reason + "%N") has_error := True ensure has_error: has_error end log_internal_error (a_reason: STRING_8) -- Put a_reason in log file. require a_reason_attached: a_reason /= Void not_a_reason_is_empty: not a_reason.is_empty do log_file.put_string ("<error type='internal'>%N") log_file.put_string ("%T<reason>%N<![CDATA[%N") log_file.put_string (a_reason) log_file.put_string ("]]>%N</reason>%N") log_file.put_string ("</error>%N") end feature {NONE} -- Logging log_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE -- Log file log_instance (an_object: detachable ANY) -- Log an XML representation of an_object to log_file. do log_message ("<instance<![CDATA[%N") if an_object = Void then log_message ("Void%N") else log_message (an_object.tagged_out) end log_message ("]]>%N</instance>%N") end log_message (a_message: STRING_8) -- Log message a_messgae to log_message. require a_message_not_void: a_message /= Void do log_file.put_string (a_message) end report_trace -- Report trace information into error_buffer. local l_buffer: like error_buffer l_exception_code: INTEGER_32 l_recipient: like recipient_name l_recipient_class_name: like class_name l_tag: like tag_name l_trace: like exception_trace l_meaning: like meaning do l_exception_code := exception l_meaning := meaning (l_exception_code) l_tag := tag_name l_recipient := recipient_name if attached class_name as l_class_name then l_recipient_class_name := l_class_name else l_recipient_class_name := "UNKNOWN_CLASS" end if attached exception_trace as l_exception_trace then l_trace := l_exception_trace else l_trace := "Unknown exception trace" end if l_meaning = Void then l_meaning := "" end if l_recipient = Void then l_recipient := "" end check l_class_name_not_void: l_recipient_class_name /= Void end if l_tag = Void then l_tag := "" end l_buffer := error_buffer l_buffer.append (l_exception_code.out) l_buffer.append_character ('%N') l_buffer.append (l_recipient) l_buffer.append_character ('%N') l_buffer.append (l_recipient_class_name) l_buffer.append_character ('%N') l_buffer.append (l_tag) l_buffer.append_character ('%N') l_buffer.append (is_last_invariant_violated.out) l_buffer.append_character ('%N') l_buffer.append (l_trace) log_message ("<call_result type='exception'>%N") log_message ("%T<meaning value='" + l_meaning + "'/>%N") log_message ("%T<tag value='" + l_tag + "'/>%N") log_message ("%T<recipient value='" + l_recipient + "'/>%N") log_message ("%T<class value='" + l_recipient_class_name + "'>%N") log_message ("%T<invariant violation on entry='" + is_last_invariant_violated.out + "'>%N") log_message ("%T<exception_trace>%N<![CDATA[%N") log_message (l_trace) log_message ("]]>%N</exception_trace>%N") log_message ("</call_result>%N") end feature {NONE} -- IO Buffer output_buffer: STRING_8 -- Buffer used to store standard output from Current process -- Fixme: Should store standard error also, but due to an implementation -- limitation in STD_FILES, we cannot redirect standard error to a buffer. -- So stderr will be ignored for the moment. Jason 2008.10.18 error_buffer: STRING_8 -- Buffer to store error information (either interpreter error or exception trace from testee feature) -- Note: Error here does not mean standard error from testee feature, stderr error should be handled by -- output_buffer. wipe_out_buffer -- Clear output_buffer and error_buffer. do output_buffer.wipe_out error_buffer.wipe_out ensure output_buffer_cleared: output_buffer.is_empty error_buffer_cleared: error_buffer.is_empty end Buffer_size: INTEGER_32 = 4096 -- Size in byte for output_buffer feature {NONE} -- Socket IPC socket: NETWORK_STREAM_SOCKET -- Socket used for communitation between proxy and current interpreter last_request_type: NATURAL_32 -- Type of the last request retrieved by retrieve_request. last_request: detachable ANY -- Last received request by retrieve_request -- flag indicates request type, -- data stores data needed for that reques type. last_response_flag: NATURAL_32 -- Flag indicating the status of the response -- See ITP_SHARED_CONSTANTS for valid values last_response: detachable ANY -- Last response to be sent back to the proxy retrieve_request -- Retrieve request from proxy and store it in last_request. -- Blocking if no request is received. -- Close socket on error. require socket_attached: socket /= Void socket_open: socket.is_open_read local l_retried: BOOLEAN do last_request := Void last_response := Void is_last_invariant_violated := False if not l_retried then socket.read_natural_32 last_request_type := socket.last_natural_32 if attached {like last_request} retrieved_from_medium (socket) as l_request then last_request := l_request end end rescue l_retried := True last_request := Void if not socket.is_closed then socket.close end retry end send_response_to_socket -- Send response stored in output_buffer and error_buffer into socket. -- If error occurs, close socket. local l_retried: BOOLEAN do if not l_retried then socket.put_natural_32 (last_response_flag) if attached last_response as l_last_response then store_in_medium (l_last_response, socket) end end rescue l_retried := True has_error := True socket.close retry end print_line_and_flush (a_text: STRING_8) -- Print a_text followed by a newline and flush output stream. require a_text_not_void: a_text /= Void do output_buffer.append (a_text) output_buffer.append_character ('%N') end feature {NONE} -- Parsing parse -- Parse input and call corresponding handler routines (report_*). require not_has_error: not has_error do if is_request_type_valid (last_request_type) then if last_request = Void then report_error ("Received data is not recognized as a request.") else inspect last_request_type when Execute_request_flag then report_execute_request when Type_request_flag then report_type_request when Start_request_flag then report_start_request when Quit_request_flag then report_quit_request end end else report_error (Invalid_request_type_error) end end feature {NONE} -- Object pool object_store: ITP_STORE -- Object store feature {NONE} -- Byte code byte_code_feature_body_id: INTEGER_32 -- ID for feature whose byte-code is to be injected byte_code_feature_pattern_id: INTEGER_32 -- Pattern ID for feature whose byte-code is to be injected execute_protected -- Execute procedure in a protected way. local failed: BOOLEAN do is_last_protected_execution_successfull := False if not failed then execute_byte_code is_last_protected_execution_successfull := True end rescue failed := True report_trace if exception = Class_invariant then should_quit := True end retry end execute_byte_code -- Execute test case -- The test case will be written as byte-code. local v_1: detachable STRING_8 do v_1 := Void end store_variable_at_index (a_object: ANY; a_index: INTEGER_32) -- Store a_object at a_index in object_store. do object_store.assign_value (a_object, a_index) end variable_at_index (a_index: INTEGER_32): detachable ANY -- Object in object_store at position a_index. do Result := object_store.variable_value (a_index) end main_loop -- Main loop do from until should_quit or else socket.is_closed loop wipe_out_buffer retrieve_request if not has_error then parse end end end feature {NONE} -- Error message Invalid_request_format_error: STRING_8 = "Invalid request format." Byte_code_not_found_error: STRING_8 = "No byte-code is found in request." Byte_code_length_error: STRING_8 = "Length of retrieved byte-code is not the same as specified in request." Invalid_request_type_error: STRING_8 = "Request type is invalid." feature {NONE} -- Invariant checking is_last_invariant_violated: BOOLEAN -- Is the class invariant violated when check_invariant is invoked -- the last time? check_invariant (o: detachable ANY) -- Check if the class invariant o is satisfied. -- If not satisfied, set is_last_invariant_violated to True -- and raise the exception. -- If satisfied, set is_last_invariant_violated to False. -- if o is detached, set is_last_invariant_violated to False and do nothing. do if attached {ANY} o as l_obj then l_obj.do_nothing end rescue is_last_invariant_violated := True end invariant log_file_open_write: log_file.is_open_write store_not_void: object_store /= Void output_buffer_attached: output_buffer /= Void error_buffer_attached: error_buffer /= Void socket_attached: socket /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class ITP_INTERPRETER
Generated by ISE EiffelStudio