class EQA_RESULT General cluster: testing description: "Responce produced from executing an Eiffel test TEST_OUTCOME holds information about the tree stages each test execution consists of: setup, test and teardown. Based on that information it tries to determine whether the implementation passes or fails the test. If an unexpected error occurred during execution, it will blame the test by setting is_maintenance_required to True. Somethimes the error prevents to determine wheter the implementaion has passed or failed the test. In that case a outcome is said to be unresolved." create: make Ancestors EQA_PARTIAL_RESULT Queries duration: DATE_TIME_DURATION finish_date: DATE_TIME is_fail: BOOLEAN is_maintenance_required: BOOLEAN is_pass: BOOLEAN is_test_response_valid: BOOLEAN is_unresolved: BOOLEAN Mismatch_information: MISMATCH_INFORMATION output: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 setup_response: EQA_TEST_INVOCATION_RESPONSE start_date: DATE_TIME tag: READABLE_STRING_32 teardown_response: EQA_TEST_INVOCATION_RESPONSE test_response: EQA_TEST_INVOCATION_RESPONSE Commands correct_mismatch Constraints setup clean
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