note description: "[ Ancestor of all exception classes. ]" library: "Free implementation of ELKS library" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date: 2017-10-20 14:21:22 +0000 (Fri, 20 Oct 2017) $" revision: "$Revision: 100944 $" class EXCEPTION inherit EXCEPTION_MANAGER_FACTORY undefine out end create default_create, make_with_tag_and_trace feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_tag_and_trace (a_tag, a_trace_string: STRING_8) obsolete "Use `default_create' and `set_description' instead. [2017-05-31]" -- Make Current with description set to a_tag. require tag_not_void: a_tag /= Void trace_string_not_void: a_trace_string /= Void do set_description (a_tag) ensure description_set: attached description as l_des and then a_tag.same_string_general (l_des) end feature -- Raise raise -- Raise current exception require is_raisable: is_raisable do Exception_manager.raise (Current) end feature -- Access meaning: STRING_8 obsolete "Use `tag' instead. [2017-05-31]" -- A short message describing what current exception is do Result := Tag.as_string_8 end Tag: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- A short message describing what current exception is once create Result.make_from_string_8 ("General exception") end message: detachable STRING_8 obsolete "Use `description' instead. [2017-05-31]" -- Message of current exception do if attached c_description as l_m then Result := l_m.substring (1, l_m.count) end end description: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- Detailed description of current exception local u: UTF_CONVERTER l_res: STRING_32 do if attached c_description as l_m then create l_res.make (l_m.count) u.utf_8_0_subpointer_into_escaped_string_32 (l_m.managed_data, 0, l_m.count - 1, False, l_res) Result := l_res end end exception_trace: detachable STRING_8 obsolete "Use `trace' instead. [2017-05-31]" -- String representation of current exception trace do Result := internal_trace end trace: detachable STRING_32 -- String representation of current exception trace local u: UTF_CONVERTER do if attached internal_trace as l_trace then Result := u.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 (l_trace) end end code: INTEGER_32 -- Code of the exception. do end frozen original: EXCEPTION -- The original exception directly triggered current exception local t: like throwing_exception do t := throwing_exception if t = Current or else t = Void then Result := Current elseif (attached {ROUTINE_FAILURE} Current) or else (attached {OLD_VIOLATION} Current) then Result := t.original else Result := Current end ensure original_not_void: Result /= Void end frozen cause: EXCEPTION -- The cause of current exception raised during rescue processing do if attached original.throwing_exception as e then Result := e else Result := Current end ensure cause_not_void: Result /= Void end frozen recipient_name: detachable STRING_8 -- Name of the routine whose execution was -- interrupted by current exception frozen type_name: detachable STRING_8 -- Name of the class that includes the recipient -- of original form of current exception frozen line_number: INTEGER_32 -- Line number feature -- Access obselete trace_as_string: detachable STRING_8 obsolete "Use `trace' instead. [2017-05-31]" -- Exception trace represented as a string do Result := exception_trace end feature -- Status settings set_message (a_message: like message) obsolete "Use `set_description' instead. [2017-05-31]" -- Set message with a_message. do set_description (a_message) ensure message_set: message ~ a_message end set_description (a_description: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set description with a_description. local u: UTF_CONVERTER l_upper: CELL [INTEGER_32] l_c: like c_description do if a_description /= Void then create l_c.make_empty (a_description.count) create l_upper.put (0) u.utf_32_string_into_utf_8_0_pointer (a_description, l_c.managed_data, 0, l_upper) l_c.set_count (l_upper.item) c_description := l_c else c_description := Void end ensure description_set: (attached a_description as a_des and then attached description as l_des and then a_des.same_string (l_des)) or else (a_description = Void and then description = Void) end feature -- Status report frozen is_ignorable: BOOLEAN -- Is current exception ignorable? do Result := Exception_manager.is_ignorable (generating_type) end frozen is_raisable: BOOLEAN -- Is current exception raisable by raise? do Result := Exception_manager.is_raisable (generating_type) end frozen is_ignored: BOOLEAN -- If set, current exception is not raised. do Result := Exception_manager.is_ignored (generating_type) ensure is_ignored_implies_is_ignorable: Result implies is_ignorable not_is_caught: Result = not is_caught end frozen is_caught: BOOLEAN -- If set, current exception is raised. do Result := not is_ignored ensure not_is_caught_implies_is_ignorable: not Result implies is_ignorable not_is_ignored: Result = not is_ignored end feature -- Output out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object local t: detachable STRING_32 do Result := t := trace if t /= Void then Result.append_character ('%N') Result.append_string (t.as_string_8) end end feature {EXCEPTION} -- Access frozen throwing_exception: detachable EXCEPTION -- The exception throwing current exception feature {EXCEPTION_MANAGER} -- Implementation frozen set_throwing_exception (a_exception: detachable EXCEPTION) -- Set throwing_exception with a_exception. do throwing_exception := a_exception ensure throwing_exception_set: throwing_exception = a_exception end frozen set_recipient_name (a_name: like recipient_name) -- Set recipient_name with a_name do recipient_name := a_name end frozen set_line_number (a_number: like line_number) -- Set line_number with a_number. do line_number := a_number end frozen set_c_description (a_des: detachable STRING_8) -- Set c_description with a_des. a_des is in UTF-8. do if a_des /= Void then create c_description.make (a_des) else c_description := Void end end c_description: detachable C_STRING -- Message, stored as C string to keep it alive and usable by the runtime trace printing. frozen set_type_name (a_type: like type_name) -- Set type_name with a_type do type_name := a_type end frozen internal_is_ignorable: BOOLEAN -- Internal is_ignorable frozen set_exception_trace (a_trace: like exception_trace) -- Set exception_trace with a_trace. do internal_trace := a_trace end internal_trace: detachable STRING_8 -- String representation of the exception trace note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EXCEPTION
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