class CHARACTER_PROPERTY General cluster: elks description: "Helper functions to provide property of a Unicode character of type CHARACTER_32. This includes finding out if a character is lower, upper, title case, or if it is a digit, a punctuation, a control or a space character." create: make Ancestors ANY Queries is_alpha (a_char: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN is_control (a_char: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN is_digit (a_char: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN is_hexa_digit (a_char: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN is_lower (a_char: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN is_punctuation (a_char: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN is_space (a_char: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN is_title (a_char: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN is_upper (a_char: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN Max_ascii_value: NATURAL_32 Max_latin1_value: NATURAL_32 Max_unicode_value: NATURAL_32 to_lower (a_char: CHARACTER_32): CHARACTER_32 to_title (a_char: CHARACTER_32): CHARACTER_32 to_upper (a_char: CHARACTER_32): CHARACTER_32
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